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Unit 4 Do it yourself(第2课时) 1、 课前预习翻译下列短语一、 装饰他的房子 2. 看起来糟糕 3. 安装一盏更亮的灯 4.犯了个错误 5. 停一次电 6.挂一幅画 7. 敲裂了水管 8.继续粉刷 9. 不仅-而且- 10.使得他生气 3、 重点难点 1.-but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water. -但是他敲裂了水管,弄得房间里到处是水 fill- with- “用-充满-” 他把玻璃杯里装满了牛奶。He .拓展 be filled with=be full of “装满-,充满-”The box is filled with books.=The box .2. But he kept on painting.但是他继续粉刷。 Keep on doing sth. “继续做某事”After having a rest, he kept (work).【拓展】 keep sb. doing sth. “让某人一直做某事” Im sorry to keep you (wait) so long time.3. When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he said, “No problem!” 区分:above, over, on “在-之上” Above 两物体不接触,多用于不垂直的“上方”。反义词“below” Over 两物体不接触,多用于垂直的“正上方”。反义词“under” On 与物体表面接触用above, over, on 填空(1) The plane flew the clouds.(2) There is bridge the river.(3)There is map the wall.4.I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a course in DIY. buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. “给某人买某物”昨天妈妈给我买了一台电脑。(两种) 【拓展】类似的短语:pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth. offer sth. to sb.= offer sb. sth. advise sb.to do sth. “建议某人做某事”医生建议我多锻炼。The doctor advised me .5. So instead , I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday. 所以反而是我自己在读所有的书,并且每周六去上课。Attend “经常去,出席”We the same school. 我们上同一所学校。 你参加了那次会议吗?课后巩固一、根据提示,写出单词 1.The _(天花板) is usually white. 2.Thousands of people _(出席) the meeting yesterday. 3.My teacher _ (建议)us to read English before we finish our homework. 4.He is c_ about stamps. He spends all his money on them. 5.I cant go to the park, I will go to the library i_. 6.A t_ flood(洪水) hit his hometown this summer, hundreds of people lost their lives in it.二、翻译下列短语1. 对某事痴迷_ 2. 喜欢修理东西_3. 装修房子 _ 4. 看起来很可怕_5. 犯错 _ 6. 另一次 _7. 断了电_ 8. 把一张照片挂在墙上_9. 用装满_ 10. 不停地涂_11.架子的一端_ 12.把我的椅子油漆成蓝色 _13.整个屋子 _ 14.试着安装一盏更亮的灯_15. 使某人生气_ 16.对了解一切_17. 不但而且_ 18. 建议他上一门DIY课程_19. 每周六去上课_ 20. 在DIY方面变得更好_三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. It will take you an hour _(finish) the exercises.2. The poor man knows much _(much) about the city than I.3. _ (paint) the house is very interesting, though its tiring.4. I _(buy) a book about DIY for my cousin yesterday.5. I have two _(shelf) in my study.6. They spent a whole day _ (plant) trees on the hill.7. He often feels _ at the _ life. (bore)8. Stop _ (chat), its time for class now.9. The doctor advised him _(drink) more water and have a good rest.10. Dont make the baby _ (cry), you already made him _(happy).四、单项选择( ) 1. People use this material(材料) _ wood in many ways. A. for B. instead C. instead of D. to( ) 2. Mary, dont fill the bottle _ water. A. in B. for C. at D. with( ) 3. We tried _ her milk to drink, but she did not get better. A. gave B. to give C. giving D. give( ) 4. _ her parents _ Wang Fang works in the hospital. They are all good doctors. A. Both, and B. Either, or C. Neither, nor D. not only, but also( ) 5. The boss is unkind. He often _ his workers _ for 12 hours a day. A. make, work B. makes, to work C. makes, work D. make, working( ) 6. I have two friends. One doesnt like to use Japanese things, but _ does. A. others B. another C. other D. the other one五、完成下列句子 1.他用苹果装满了篮子。 He _ _ _ _ the apples. 2.昨天整个小区都停电了。The whole community _ _ _ _ yesterday. 3.我哥哥对踢足球很痴迷。My brother _ _ _ _ football. 4.我建议你出席这个会议。I _ _ _ _ the meeting. 5.我想把天花板涂成蓝色。He wants _ _ _ _ _. 6.他正试着在我的床上方装个架子。He is_ _ _ _ _
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