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How do you make a banana milk shakeUnit 8 How do you make a banana milkshake? (sectionB1a1e)【学习目标】1.学会单词:sandwich butter turkey lettuce piece2.学会句型: How do you make a sandwich1)Do you likein sandwich?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.2)How much butter?About a spoon.【学习重点】1. 可数与不可数名词2. 学习归纳学会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作三明治的过程3. 可数与不可数名词学习归纳。【知识链接】可数与不可数名词a.可数名词有单、复数形式,单数形式要用a/an;不可数名词没有复数形式,单数形式前不用a/an,但可用the或不用。例如:Tomisalittleboy.Thereare20boysinourclass.Fishandpoultryareusuallynotcalledmeat.Illpayforthemeat.b.名词的数影响句子中与之有关的谓语动词、限定词等。如:Therearemany/some/alotof/(a)fewpeopleinthepark.Therearenotmany/anypeopleinthepark.Thereismuch/some/alotof/(a)little/agreatdealof/afairamountofwater.Thereisnotmuch/anywater.【学习过程】一课前检测。I.翻译1. 两片面包_ 2. 三片鸡肉_ 3.一匙黄油_4. 两匙佐料_ 5. cut up _ 6. puton_7. addto _ II.填空。1. There are three _(三明治)on the table. 2. I usually have _(面包)for breakfast. 3. Please add some _(黄油). 4. Put two _(片) of duck on it. 5. A. How do you _fruit salad? B. _, cup up some bananas. A. How_ bananas? B. Three._ put the fruit in a bowl. A. What else do you need? B. I need three_ of cinnamon and a little teaspoons yogurt._ mix it all up. A. But how_ yogurt do you need? B. Just one _ of yogurt. A. Oh, I know, Thank you very much. 二、自主学习。1.work on 1a.2. Pairwork of 1b. A: How often do you drink milk ,Liu Fang ? B: I drink milk every day. A:Do you like it? B: No.But my mother wants me to drink it, she says its good for my health.3. Listening of 1c &1d ,then listen again and fill in the blanks三Group work(小组合作) Writing1e:How do you make a cheese sandwich? First, put a _ of butter on_ _ _bread. Next, put the tomato, an _ and the _ on the sandwich. Then , put some _ on the cheese. Finally, put _ _ of bread on top.2.How to make a turkey sandwich ?First _Next _Then_ Finally_ 【当堂检测】完成句子。1. 妈妈,我可以帮你切碎这些洋葱。Mom, I can help you _ _the onions. 2. 我们需要在原料里加一些奶酪。We need to_ some cheese_ the ingredients. 3. 那家工厂不再将污水注入河里了。The factory doesnt _waste water_the river any more. 4. 欧洲杯足球赛就要开始了。我们打开电视吧。 The Europe Cup Football Match is going to begin. Lets _ _the TV. 5. 这里是制作超级火鸡三明治的烹调方法! _ _ a recipe _ a great turkey sandwich! 6. 列车员查看火车票时,你应该出示它。 When the conductors on the train _your ticket, you should _it to them. 【课堂反思】Manyanimalsdostrangethingsbeforeanearthquake.Thisnewsmaybeimportant.Earthquakescankillpeopleandknockdownhomes.Theanimalsmayhelptosavelives.Someanimalsmakealotofnoisebeforeanearthquake.Farmershavetoldaboutthis.Dogsthatareusuallyquiethavestartedtobark(吠).Horsesonfarmshaverunaroundincircles.Micehavelefttheirholesandrunaway.Cowshavegivenlessmilk.InatowninItaly,catsraceddownthestreetinagroup.Thathappenedonlyafewhoursbeforeanearthquake.InSanFrancisco,amankepttinypetfrogs.OneSunday,thefrogsjumpedaroundmorethanever.Theymadeloudnosies,likebiggerfrogs.Thatnight,anearthquakestruckthecity.Peoplewanttoknowwhenanearthquakeiscoming.Thentheycangetawaysafely.Rightnow,thereisnosurewaytoknowthataheadoftime.Maybethebestwayiswatchingtheanimals.61.Thispassageismostlyabout_thingsbeforeanearthquake.A.howanimalsactbeforeanearthquakeB.howanearthquakestartsC.howmiceleavetheirhomesD.howanimalsliveeveryday62.Accordingtothepassage,someanimalswilldo_A.amazingB.interestingC.usualD.unusual63.Beforeanearthquake,quietdogs_.A.runawayB.starttobarkC.climbtreesD.jumpintothewater64.Theword“struck”inthestorymeans_.A.取消B.敲击C.袭击D.刺透65.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?.A.Alltheanimalsmakealotofnosiebeforeanearthquake.B.Beforeanearthquakecatsusuallyjumparoundmore.C.Ifwestudyanimalsmore,wemayknowaboutitbeforeanearthquakecomes.D.Watchingtheanimalsistheonlywaytoknowaboutanearthquake.个 性 笔 记
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