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How do you make a banana milk shakeUnit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B 3aself check【学习目标】1.熟练掌握词汇:serve,temperature,wash,enjoy,2.熟练掌握短语:think of,one by one,make a list of,a piece of,3.熟练掌握句型:To make this special food,you need to技能目标:1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2能读懂描述程序的材料,能就某个操作程序口对对话,初步书面编写这样的对话;情感态度:通过实践活动,培养学生的实际操作能力,调动学生的情感态度、兴趣等非智力因素。【学习重点】1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2能读懂描述程序的材料,能就某个操作程序口对对话,初步书面编写这样的对话;【学法指导】及时复习及时练习,先读后写效率高。【学习过程】独学I、预习交流: 勾画出重点和疑惑II、翻译官1.打开_ 2.把倒人_3.把放入内_ 4.两茶匙调味品_ 5.切碎_ 6.把放到上 _ 7.把加入中_ 8.混合在一起_9.做香蕉奶昔_ 对学一、导入(启发探究 )Talk about your favorite food:A:What do you think of your favorite food?B: I think it is.二、自学(自主探究 )While reading1. Skimming(略读):在3a中作者描述了云南米线的制作过程。快读短文,写出这个过程2. Scanning(找读):1)仔细阅读短文,完成3a的填空。 2)再细读短文,在3a中标出过渡性词汇。群学找出3a 中的重点知识_ _ 4.3b Think of a favorite food in your hometown. Make a list of ingredients (写在课本上)3c Write a recipe(食谱) for your favorite food. Use 3a and 3d to help you._ 5.Make up a crazy(疯狂的)recipe(食谱) with your partner. Then tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food .The other pair will draw it. 6.完成self check1、2.【当堂检测】I 用所给词的适当形式填空1. “Do you like_(drink) tea?” “Yes, I do.”2. Im sorry. I cant. I have _(help) my mom.3. Doing morning exercises_ (be) good for you. 4. How _ (much) watermelons do we need? 5. We still need ten_ (orange). 6. Would you cut up some _(tomato) for me? 7. Ten minutes for you to make your favorite _ (sandwich). 8. Do we need _ (pour) the milk into the blender? 9. Lets _(peel)the banana.10. _ (turn) off the light when you leave the room.11 .P _the oranges before you eat them.12. S _is important to us. We need it when we cook.13. On the t _of the mountain, there is some snow.14.Please_(检查)your homework after you finish it.15.Bill usually has two c_(面包)and a glass of milk for breakfast.16. We need two c _of milk to make the shake.17. You should follow the i_ to use the blender.18.People in the USA usually eat_(火鸡)on thanksgiving Day.19. The boat is interesting , It looks like a d_.20.I like putting_(黄油)into my dishes. 【课堂反思】个 性 笔 记
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