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Unit 6一:翻译词组 1: 成为一个工程师 / 努力学习数学2.成为一个男演员/ 上表演课3.成为一个女演员4.成为一名英语教师 / 先大学毕业,然后学习如何教孩子5.成为一个艺术家/ 练习唱歌和跳舞6.成为一个钢琴家 / 练习弹钢琴7.成为一个小提琴家8.成为一个科学家 9.成为一个厨师 / 去烹饪学校10.成为一个飞行员11.成为一个医生 / 去大学学医12.成为一个篮球运动员 / 每天练习篮球13.成为一个电脑程序设计师 / 学习电脑科学14.成为一个公交车司机15.成为一名记者 / 写文章,然和把它们寄给杂志社和报社二:用正确的形式填空。 1)We are _ (play) basketball tomorrow. 2)They _ (visit) their aunt next week. 3)_Lucy_(watch)movie with Lily tomorrow? -No, _ _. 4)There _ (be) football matches tomorrow. 5)They _ (not practice guitar) next week.6) Mr. Wang doesnt live here now. He _ to Taiyuan last year.搬到,移到7) He likes music and he wants to be a pianist when he_up.长大8)The doctor told him to take the _ three times a day.药三:单项选择1.What is he going to _ when he _ up?Hes going to be a doctor.A.do, grow B.does, grows C.be, grow D.be, grows2. Hes going to practice_basketball next week. A.play B.to play C.playing D.played3.The girl is listening to_pop music. A.a B.many C.a piece of D.a few4.My uncle is going to_Dalian next year. A.moves B.move to C.live D.leaves for5.Shes going to take_lessons because she wants to be a dancer.A.music B.acting C.dancing D.basketball6.He is going to be a computer programmer when he_ college study.A.finishes B.starts C.left D.begins四:用单词的适当形式填空asked, ago, because, well, going, little But, after, try your best, herselfYoung people today may not know Zhu Mingying. But she was very famous more than twenty years _. She was a dancer at first. But one day she thought that she could also sing_. So she went to visit a music teacher. The teacher_her to sing a few songs and then said that she would not be successful in singing, _ she didnt have a good voice. _Zhu Mingying didnt give up. She spent a lot of time_ to music lessons. She had_ time to rest. She didnt have much money to buy_ delicious food. Life was really hard for her at that time.But Zhu Mingying felt happy, because she proved(证明)she herself could be a good singer at last_she practised singing for many years. If you want to do something, just_. Youll be successful in the end!Unit6 period2(第二课时)一:翻译词组和对话1.我知道为什么你擅长写故事2.继续做某事3.我不确定4.确保你尽了你最大的力5. 当你长大后,你想做什么?我想成为一名医生。你打算如何做? 我打算在大学里学医 想去哪里学? 我想在伦敦学你打算从什么时候开始? 我将在下个九月开始学习二:单项选择 1.Lets discuss the plan, shall we? -Not now. I _to an interview.A. go B. went C. am going D. was going 2.Jack is busy packing luggage.-Yes. He_for America on vacation. A leaves B.left C.is leaving 3.Im going to write articles and send_some famous magazines and newspapers when Im older. A.it to B.they to C.them for D.them to4. _students are going to join the movie club. A.Little B.A few C.A lot D.A little5.Were going to buy a new fridge_two years. A.in B.after C.for D.before6.There_a basketball match tomorrow morning.A.has B.is going to be C.is going to have D.have7.He wants_a part-time job for_ years.A.find, one or two B.to find,one or two C.to look for, one year or two D.to find, one year or two三: In the world today, all of the people need recreation(娱乐). We cannot work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular form(形式) is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and soccer. There are also individual(个别的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing. It doesnt matter whether we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some kinds of recreation. 1.Which is the favorite form of recreation?A. Sports.B. Watching TV. C. Sleeping.D. Singing and dancing. 2.People want to take part in sports in order to _. A. keep healthy and enjoy life B. make friends C. find a good job D. make some money3.Outdoor sports include(包括) _. A. watching TV B.singing and dancing C.listening to the radio D.skating and mountain climbing4.Why do many people like watching sports on TV or listening to them on the radio?Because they_ A. like sports but dont like to take part in them. B. dont enjoy sports. C. dont enjoy life. D. dont need recreation. 5.The passage mainly tells us that _. A. basketball is a kind of team sport B. everyone should take part in sports C. different people h
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