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Unit 2 This is my sister(第1课时)学习目 标1.记住并会运用P7-8单词及短语2.学会运用指示代词:this that these those 介绍他人或事物的句型学习过程自主认真完成任务一至任务五,然后进行对学群学。任务一:默写下列单词并能说出一些单词的用法姐,妹 妈妈,母亲 爸爸,父亲 父亲或母亲 兄弟 祖母,外祖母 祖父,外祖父 这些_祖父(母),外祖父(母) 那些 家庭_谁_他们_好吧_经历_天_再见_任务二:英汉互译下列短语。1.his friends 2. these boys 3. her grandmother 4.你的父母亲 5.他的妹妹们 6.那些女孩们 任务三:朗读课本8页2d对话,分角色朗读。任务四:知识梳理 1. this 复数形式_that复数形式_he/she/it复数形式_am/is复数形式_This is my sister. 这位是我的姐姐。 此句的复数形式是: my . That is her book .那是她的书。此句的复数形式是:_ _her _.He is a student . 此句的复数形式是: _ _ _.2.These are watches. 单数句是 _ _ _ _ . Those are my brothers . 单数句是 _ _ my _. Are these your sisters ? 单数句是_ _ your _?任务五:名词变复数的规则认真看书P78记住名词变复数的规则,把下列名词变成复数形式pen _ boy _brother_ class _ box _ watch _ family _baby _ party _达标测评一用所给词的适当形式填空1.They are her _(parent ) .2._(this ) are his brothers .3.Those _ (be ) my friends .4.They are my _(brother ).5.Who _(be )she ?二单项选择( )1.These _my friends and that _my aunt . A is; are B are; is C is; is D are; are ( )2.Are those your parents ?_ Yes ,theyre not .B No, they are . C Yes ,they are . D No, they dont .( ) 3.Tom and I _students . A are B am C is D be ( ) 4._are his books . A This B It C That D These( )5.My_are my grandfather and grandmother . A parent B parents C grandparents D grandparent 三.句型转换1.This is my brother .(改为复数形式 ) _my _.2.Those are his sisters .(改为单数形式) _ _ his _.3.These are my brothers . (对划线部分提问 ) _ _these ?课后反思 通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是_ 感到自己有待加强的是_。
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