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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?The Third Period (Grammar4a-4c)姓名: 日期: 教师寄语: Early birds catch the worms. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。【预习导学】1、 学习目标1) 能运用同级比较、比较级和最高级结构正对针对具体事物进行比较;2) 能正确运用程度副词修饰比较级;2、 自学任务Task 1观察“语法聚焦”,并朗读。用笔画出其中的动词不定式结构和短语动词, 然后将句型结构或短语等归纳在表格中。原级比较级最高级原级比较级最高级highserioustallpopularfineloudlylateinterestingbiggoodthinbadfatmany/muchearlylittlehealthyfarTask 2 观察下列句子,试着总结比较级的相关用法。I am as outgoing as my sister. She runs as quickly as her sister.表示比较对象在某方面一样as + + asTom is taller than John.Mary is more outgoing than her sister.两者之间的比较,句中有明显的标志 He is a little taller than her. This city is much more beautiful than that city.He knows far more than you think. 比较级前可有修饰词:.一点 用 .的多 用 远远 用 Which is easier, maths or English?Who is older, you or Mary?Which/Who is + , A or B ? Task 3 观察下列句子,试着总结最高级的相关用法。Wang Lin is the tallest in our class. This shirt is the cheapest of the three.有 和 等短语表示比较范围时,形容词用 ,且前面要有 China is one of the oldest cities in the world.Tina is one of the smartest students in us.最.之一 one of + Whats the best movie theater to go, Town City, Screen City or Movie World? Which is the cheapest bag, the red one, the Which/Who is + , A, B or C ? 【课堂活动】Step 1 Activity 4a & 4b1) Do activity 4a. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.2) Do activity 4b. Write two comparisons about two topics. (写真实的句子) Step 2 合作探究观察下列句子,体会相关语法现象。1. He is taller than any other student in our class. He is taller than the other students in our class. He is the tallest student in our class. 你觉得上述三个句子的意思相同吗? 2. How high is the mountain? Its 5465 meters high. How deep is the well? Its 300 meters deep. How long is the river? Its 5000 meters long. 提问物体多高/深/长的句式结构: 如何回答物体的高/深/长度: 【训练反馈】单项选择( ) 1. -I feel _ better today. A. anyB. a littleC. veryD. more( ) 2. -What do you think of John? -Well, I think he is than the other students in our class. A. outgoingB. much outgoing C. more outgoingD. most outgoing( ) 3. -Which is , the new one or the old one? -I prefer the old one. A. betterB. the betterC. bestD. the best( ) 4. -Things are getting _ every day. -Yes, thats great. A. good and goodB. well and well C. more and moreD. better and better( ) 5. -_ you work for other people, _ you feel. -Really? OK, I will. A. The well; the happier B. The better; the happier C. The well; the much happierD. The better; the happy( ) 6. She is _ of us. A. more beautiful B. much beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful( ) 7. Which one is _, the pink sweater, the purple sweater, or the blue sweater? A. expensive B. more expensive C most expensive D. the most expensive( ) 8. You can sit _ because they have the biggest seats. A. more comfortable B. most comfortably C. most comfortable
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