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Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf(第1课时)Section A 1a-1c导学案一、学习目标:能力目标:1 .学会货比三家,能正确运用情态动词should来请求帮助。2.能用英语来表达自己的喜好,并对他人所提供的建议做出评价。如:Thats too boring.重点句子:What should I get my mom for her birthday? How about a scarf? No, thats too boring.难 点:给对方提建议的句型。二、预习导学1预习1a . 2.听录音完成1b.3.组内讨论预习的题目,练习1c的对话。4跟小组长读重点单词短语,并结对抽说中文意思。三、自学检测预习1a,完成下面的表格。CheapExpensiveBoringInteresting 四、合作探究1、听录音核对1b的答案。2、PAIRWORK。小组成语轮流练习1C的对话。五、展示 1.个人或小组读1a的单词或短语。2.对话练习1C每组派2名学生进行对话展示,对话若符合要求,给予小组和个人适当的分数奖励。六、学以致用必做题 A.翻译下列词组。how about tennis ball too boring birthday part B.根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。 sleep(形容词) _ win(名词) _ send(反义词) _ uggestion(动词) _ mouse(名词复数 ) _ early(比较级) _选做题用所给词正确形式填空Last night the first episode(一段情节) of the series(连续剧) BACK TO THE PAST 1 (be) on Channel 5. It was an interesting science fiction series about a scientist, Professor Spark, and his fantastic(奇异的) time machine. He 2(want) to travel to the future, but something 3 (happen), and he 4 (go) back to the age of the dinosaurs(恐龙). At first, the professor 5 (be) very excited. It was an opportunity(机会) for him to study the Jurassic Period(侏罗纪). The Sparks 6 (see) that he 7 (not have) any food. He 8 (not know) how to hunt. how to fish, or how to make a fire. But he 9 (have) his Swiss knife, a box of matches, and his brain. What do you think he 10 (do)? 1. _2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _提高题用所给动词的适当形式填空。翻译下列句子【总结反思】
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