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湖南省龙山县第二中学2020学年七年级英语3月月考试题I 听力部分(20分)A) 听句子,选择正确的签语。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. In Beijing. B. He is English. C. Paris. ( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. Thank you. C. No, it isnt( ) 3. A. I live in Shanghai. B. Yes, I do. C. I dont like that. ( ) 4. A. Youre welcome. B. Its next to the restaurant. C. Yes, there is.( ) 5. A. Where do you live? B. Lets go. C. Have a good trip!B) 听对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. Where is Jack from?A. France. B. America. C. Australia.( ) 7.Whats the boys favorite subject?A. Music. B. History. C.P.E.( ) 8.Where does the boy want to go?A. To the library. B. To the singing room. C. To the dancing room.( ) 9.What language does Kate speak?A. Chinese and English. B. Chinese and Japanese. C. English and Japanese.( ) 10.The woman can take the _bus to Xuefeng Park.A. No. 6 B.No.16 C.No.60C) 听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 11.Where are they talking?A. At home. B. In the bank. C. On the street.( ) 12.The man speaks_.A. English and Chinese B. English and French C. French and Chinese( ) 13.Where does the man come from?A. France. B. Japan. C. Canada.( ) 14.The bank is_.A. across from the post officeB. between the library and the parkC. on Garden Street( ) 15.The woman may _to the bank.A. walk B. take a bus C. take a taxiD) 听材料,完成表格,每空词数不限。(每小题1分,共5分)Linda is coming to Anns (16)_.When Linda will comeOn(17) )_.How Linda will comeTake a (18) )_From the airportWhere Anns house is(19) )_.How long it will takeAbout(20) )_. 知识运用(25分)第一节 单项选择(15分)( ) 21. They know many Chinese words.But they can speak _ Chinese.A. a littleB. a lotC. a lot ofD. many( ) 22. He is _,and he has _ sister.A. ten years old;an eight-year-oldB. ten-years-old;an eight years oldC. ten year old;eight-year-oldD. ten years old;a eight-year-old( ) 23. Mr. Wang, Can I finish my homework tomorrow? Sorry, you _.A. cantB. dontC. needntD. wont( ) 24. Alan can play _ violin.But he cant play _ volleyball.A. the, theB. I, theC. the, ID. I, I( ) 25. There, in the box, _ some salad and some cakes.A. haveB. hasC. areD. is( ) 26. I often have hamburgers for lunch.Youd better. Its bad for you _ too much junk food.AeatB. to eatC. eatingD. ate( ) 27. Do you have any rules in your house?_! I never have fun at home.A. Too manyB. Many tooC. Too muchD. Much too( ) 28. I spent a lot of time _ English last weekend.A. to practice speakingB. practicing to speakC. practicingspeakingD. practicespeaking( ) 29. _ the story?Its great.A. What do you think ofB. How do you likeC. How do you thinkD. Both A and B( ) 30. Did you get there by _ bike? No, I took _ taxi.A. a; aB. 不填;aC. the; theD. a; the( ) 31. Tony wants _ a job as a language teacher in China.A. to findB. findingC. findD. finds( ) 32. My Mother likes to _ old people.A. speakB. speakingC. talksD. talk to( ) 33. Must I get up early tomorrow morning?No, _.A. you mustntB. you dont have toC. you cant D. you need( ) 34. please _ late for school next time.A. dont beB. areC. doesnthaveD. hasnt( ) 35Our school is _ a park and a big library.A. betweenB. nextC. acrossD. in第二节 完型填空(10分)Dear BettyLet me tell you 36 my school life(生活).I go to school 37 Monday 38 Friday. We have four 39 in the morning and two in the afternoon. On Monday 40 Wednesday afternoon we have P.E. On Tuesday morning we have music. On Thursday afternoon we have art. On Friday we have science. We have art. On Friday we have science. We have 41 things to do after class. I often play basketball 42 an hour. Then I go to the music 43 .44 weekends I 45 go to school. I have a good rest(休息). LoveLi Lei( )36. A. aboutB. ofC. inD. on( )37. A. inB. onC. fromD. to( )38. A. ofB. atC. toD. on( )39. A. classesB. classC. lessonD. lessons( )40. A. butB. soC. orD. and( )41.A. soB. manyC. muchD. lot( )42. A. inB. forC. onD. of( )43. A. schoolB. peopleC. clubD. family( )44. A. FromB. AtC. InD. On( )45. A. doB. notC. noD. dont 阅读技能(40分)第一节 阅读选择(20分(A)Peter and his parents buy things in different ways. Peter likes shopping on the Internet on weekends. http:/club. 360buy. Com is his favorite website(网站). He often buys things on it such as mobile phones and cameras. He spends about two hundred yuan buying things on it
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