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甘肃省临泽县第二中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第二次月考试题(请同学们将答案填入后面的答题卡)一、英汉词组互译(10分)1.用完、用尽_ 2.排队等候_ 3. 立刻、马上_4.捡起、拾起_ 5. 对.感兴趣_ 6. turn down_7. by the way _ 8. put out_ 9. break the rule_ 10. take care_二、写出下列单词的适当形式(5分)1.collect(名次)_ 2. teach(过去式)_ 3. be(过去分词)_4.Asia(名词:亚洲人)_ 5. polite(反义词)_三、单项选择(25分)1.-_ have you lived here? -About three years. A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.when 2.-_ did you start skating? -Ten years ago. A.Who B.While C.When D.How long3.Thanks for _ so much money for our school.A.raise B.raising C.to raise D.raise4.Could you please _ me the way to the hospital? A.showing B.showed C.show D.shown5.You look _.Whats the matter?A.worried B.worry C.worries D.worrying6.There is too much noise. Will you please _ the radio?A.turn on B.turn down C.close D.turn to7._ the way,whats your car number?A.On B.Make C.By D.In8. -Do you mind if I sit here, sir? - _. Please sit down.AIm sorry, but I do. B Not at all C. Of course D. Thanks a lot9.Would you mind _up? Its 8:00 oclock.A.get B.gets C.got D.getting10. We _ 1000 English words since we _ to this school.A. learn, come B. have learning, came C. have been learning, come D. have learned, came11.I dont like waiting _ line for too long.A.in B.on C.with D.by12.I will get _ if I wait for someone for too long.A.annoy B.annoying C.annoyed D.annoys13.Just now he called me and told me he _ be here _ a minute.A.will,in B.could,after C.would,in D.would,after14.Can you _tomorrow morning? -Sure.A.clean the yard B.cleaning the yard C.will clean the yard D.to clean the yard15. He has been working in this hospital since he a doctor.Abecomes B. will become C. has beenD. became16.My brother _ listening to light music.A. is interestedB .is interested in C. is interesting D .is interesting in17. While Helen _ the piano, her mother came in.A. was playing B. is playing C. played D. plays18. All of us felt when we heard the news.A. surprising; surprised B. surprising; surprisingC. surprised; surprised D. surprised; surprising19. There will _ more trees in the park in this summer.A. haveB. are C. be D. is20. The big tree in front of my house is _ years old.A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. one hundred of 21. In Great Britain it isnt polite _ from each others plate.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. for eating22.If it _ tomorrow, well have a sports meeting.A. isnt rain B. doesnt rain C. rains D. not rain23. He saw a pen on the ground and _ .A. picked up it B. picked them up C. picked it up D. picked up them24. The movie was _ . I dont like it at all.A. wonderful B. good C. great D. terrible25. There _ a pair of sport shoes under the bed.A. are B. is C. have D. has四、词汇考察(20分)(A)用所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。except politely return thin season1. -May I borrow your tennis racket?-Sorry, I lent it to Tom yesterday. He hasnt it to me.2. There are four in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.3. Mary, all my classmates went spring outing because she was ill that day.4. The air in the high mountain is much than that in our city, so old tourists may feel sick.5. We are supposed to speak to the old people .(B)根据首字母或者中文拼写单词1.How long have you been skating?Ive been skating s I was five years old.2. When you post a letter, you have to put a s_ on the envelope.3.I like to collect _(贝壳)。 4.Do you have any _( 硬币)5. Youd better (归还)the book on time.6.some people might feel u_ when you smoke in public.7. I think you should keep your (声音)down.8.Could you please not f_ me around?9.Its i _ to talk loudly in public places.10.All the clerks are sitting around the table. They are at a m _.11. Youd better (not turn) on the TV.12. He has to (help) his mother at home.13. Could you please (not wear) the jeans?14. Please wash the (dish) if you have time.15. Would you mind _(open) the windows?五、句型转换(15分)1.We have been playing football for two hours. (划线提问) _ _ have you_ playing football?2. There are several birds in the tree(同义句)There are_ _birds in the tree3.Hes been skating for four hours(否定句)He _ _ _ for four hours4. I need extra English lessons(一般疑问句)_ you_ extra English lesson5. I missed the train an hour ago _ _ you _ the train6. Will you please clean the yard?(同义句)Would you _ _ the yard?六、完形填空(10分) Last year Tom left
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