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甘肃省徽县四中2020届中考英语模拟试题(三)(无答案) (本卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)单词辨音:(每小题1分,共5分)观察所给单词读音,从A,B,C,D四个选项中找出其划线部分读音与其所给单词读音相同的选项,并将选项编号填入提前的括号内。 ( )1. name A. manner B. match C. cake D. hang ( ) 2. knock A. some B. Monday C. soft D. close( ) 3. meat A .tea B. bread C. break D. great ( ) 4. hopes A .has B. works C. loves D. carries( )5. though A. neither B. three C. thought D. both 、词汇(每题1分,共15分) A).用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1How many magazines (can borrow)in your library every week?2Email English is good for (write).3Houston Rockets lost the game. It is (frustrate) news.4. Your (pronounce)is not good enough. Youd better practice more.5. If somebody (walk) into the classroom with a gun ,I would be very frightened.B)根据句意及所给汉语写出所缺单词.6. On Friday afternoons, many students are (困倦的)after a long week of classes.7. I know we get noisy sometimes when study in groups. But we (学习)a lot from each other. 8. I have no pen .Could I ( 借) from you ?9. My friend gave me a nice (手表)for my birthday.10. Kates new house is on the ( 十二 )floor.C选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( ) 11. Im terrified of going out alone at night .A. afraid of B. afraid to C. kind of D. good at( ) 12. Alice is good at English.A. likes to learn B. is good for C. does well in D. is interesting in( ) 13. Dont give up studying moths. A. give awayB. stopped C. keep D. stop( ) 14. This is probably true.A . maybe B. possibly C. or D. might( ) 15. Lily received a letter from a friend of her the other day.A. heard B. wrote to C. got D. called 、选择题(每题1分,共25分)( )1. Their party begins _ four thirty _ the afternoon. A. at; in B. in; at C. in; on D. at; on( )2. Why dont you to cassettes ?A. listening B. to listen C. listened D. listen ( )3. Everybody , old young ,likes sports and games .A . neither , nor B. either, or C. whether, or D. not , but ( )4. All the boys in my class go swimming me, because I cant swim.A . besides B .except C .behind D .without ( )5. Its wonderful film that everyone enjoy it very much .A . such B. such a C. so D. so a( )6. Dont go out school nights because you have too much homework .A .in B. at C. of D. on( ). 7. Do you know the man throw the stone at the windows? A .who B. which C. whom D. what ( ) 8. -could you tell me ?-In BeijingA. where does he work B. when does he work C. where he works D. When he works( )9. No one likes to spend too much time what he doesnt like .A .do B .to does C. done D. doing ( ) 10. There is _art room and a ball in the building. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( ) 11. My box is _ clothes. A、full of B、fill with C、filled of D、full with ( ) 12. Our school is behind the post office the right. A. in B. of C. on D. at ( ) 13. If I free next Sunday, I to the movies with you.A .am will go B .were, would go C. am would to D. will be go ( ) 14. Jack is .He isnt afraid of speaking in public . A. confident B .energetic C .creative D .shy ( ) 15. Frank doesnt want to his parents , so he works hard than before . A. make, happy B. let, down C. let, glad D. put , up ( ) 16. They have never been to Australia before. A. Neither do we B. So we have C. Neither have we D. So have we( ) 17. I dont think possible to learn a foreign language without much memory work .A that B .it C so D which ( ) 18 . dollars is a lot of money.A .Six thousand B. Six thousands of C. Six thousands D. Six thousand of( ) 19 .If the phone ,can you answer it ?A .rings B .is ringing C .will ring D .rang( ) 20. The old woman has two sons, but _ of them lives with her. A. both B. either C. neither D. none( ) 21 . whats the head master like , do you know ? She is very kind she looks serious .A. became B. though C. if D. when ( ) 22. Paul is friendly to us, he always good solutions to our problems.A .end
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