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武威市2020学年第一学期八年级英语期中试卷(满分120分 )一、词汇:(A):请写出下列单词的比较级和最高级(每个0.5分,共5分)funny_ creative _ quiet _ good_ loudly_ big _ close _ fresh_bad_ popular_comfortable_ expensive_(B): 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(15分) 1. It takes me ten minutes_ _(get) to my home by bus. 2. The famous actor just finished_ _(make) his new movie. 3.The Yellow River is the _(long)river in China.4.He drank _(little) juice than you.5.I want_(buy)a present for my mother.6.Why dont you let your son_ (join)the football team?7.Mun ask children to eat it_(two)a week.8. Do you mind my _ (stand) here?9. Everyone hopes _(have) a happy and rich life.10.I think Xi Yangyang is as _(famous) as Mickey Mouse11.Talk shows are _ (education) than sitcoms.12.We had a _(discuss)about hobbies in class yesterday.13. I dont like chicken at all. May I _(eat) some beef.14. We expect _(finish)the work in a week.15.He was always ready _(help ) others before二、英汉互译(15分)1. bring out 2.查明,弄清 3.as long as 4认真对待 5dress up 6.发挥作用 7.at least 8.到目前为止 9.care about 10.代替,替换 11.和相似 12.与某人分享某物 13.善于与某人相处的 14.更多的信息 15.更友好 三、单项选择(25分)( )1.How often does your sister surf the internet?About . A. three time B. three times C. three time every day D. three times a day ( )2. Thank you for me find my little cat yesterday. A. helpB. helpsC. helpedD. helping( )3.Are you good at ? A. swimB. swimmingC. to swimD. swam( )4. are you staying in Ottawa? For two weeks. A. How longB. How many C. How oftenD. How much( )5. Im short, so I want to be . A. heavierB. largerC. tallerD. bigger( ) 6. Mr. Bean enjoys _ jokes and always makes us happy. A. to makeB. makes C. makingD. make( )7、Whos_,Tom or Tim? Tom is A. quieter B. healthy C. Worst D. best( )8.Her best friend likes to do_ same things_ she does.A. the, with B. the, as C. a, to D. a, as( )9.Beijing is one of the_ in the world today.A.busiest city B. busiest cities C.busy city D. busy cities( )10.When winter comes, the days get_.A. short and shortB. shorter and shorter C. long and long D. longer and longer( )11.I dont like to play ping-pong. How about _football? A.playing B.to play C.players D.playing the( )12.-How_your vacation? -It was pretty good. A.was B.were C.did D.does( )13.-Did she _to the movies? -No,she went to the Summer Palace. A.goes B.go C.went D.going( )14.If you do that,youll feel _soon A.more healthy B.more healthier C.more healthy D.much healthier( )15.Jim is funnier than_in his class. A.any other boy B.any boy C.any other boys D.all the boys( )16.There _some milk in the glass A.is B.are C.be D.has( )17.Would you like to go with me? Yes, . A.I would B.Id love C.Id D.Id love to ( ) 18. Dont worry. Ill try my best _you.A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. to help( )19. She learns a lot _the educational movie.A. inB. atC. toD. from( )20.I _ soap operas. They are boring.A. cant standB. likeC. loveD. dont mind( )21.Did you go to the beach with them yesterday?No. I _ go there. You know, I cant swim.A. sometimes B. often C. never D. usually( )22.His mother often makes him _ TV after supper. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches( )23.I have _ things to do. I cant spend _ time playing computer games. A. too much; too many B. too much; too much C. too many; too much D. too many; too many( )24.We have no classes this afternoon. How about _?-Good idea. A. go to the park B. to go to the park C. are going to the park D. going to the park( )25. Welcome back _ home. A. to B. at C. in D./四、完形填空(10分)What should we do to keep healthy?One important rule is to exercise 1 . The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang 2 exercise every morning because he must go to wor
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