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背书竞赛题1. How are you? 你好吗?2. How do you do ? 你好。3. Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴!4. You are welcome ! 不用谢!5. Good evening !晚上好!6. Good night ! 晚安!7. Thanks a lot ! 多谢!8. What color 什么颜色9. Whats your name ? 你叫什么名子?10. How much 多少(钱)11. in English 用英语 12. How old 几岁 13. family name 姓氏14. given name 名字 15. last name 姓氏 16. CCTV 中共中央电视台 CD光盘17. UFO 不明飞行物 NBA(美国)篮球协会18. Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?19. these books/pens/pencils 这些书/钢笔/铅笔20. those chairs/desks/tables那些椅子/书桌/桌21. telephone number 电话号码22. Excuse me 请问,打扰了。23. lost and found寻物招领启事24. a set of keys 一串钥匙 25. a photo of my family一张家庭照26. 对话:A: Excuse me ,Sonia. Is this your pencil?B: Yes, thank you .And that is my eraser. A: What color is it ? B: It is yellow. A: How much is it ? B: Its one yuan. A: See you later! B: See you !27. 对话:A: Whats this in English ? B: Its a pen. A: How do you spell it ?(Spell it please.) B: P-E-N, pen.in the bag / backpack. 在书包/双肩背包里28. on the bed/table. 在床/桌子上 29. under the dress/chair. 在梳妆台/椅子下面 30. behind the door/window. 在门/窗户后面31. beside/next to the door/desk. 在门/桌子旁边32. between the dresser and the bed.在梳妆台和床之间33. in front of the classroom. 在教室前面34. Here it is. 它在这儿35. .Here is the school. 这儿是学校 36. take .to. 把.带到. 37. bring.to. 把.带来.38. watch TV 看电视39. computer game. 电脑游戏40. play volleyball/basketball/football打排球/篮球/足球41. play sports 做运动42. have breakfast/unch/supper 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐43. play the piano/guitar/drum/trumpet/violin.弹钢琴/吉他/打鼓/吹喇叭/拉小提琴44. like to do sth=want to do sth=would like to do sth 想做某事45. like doing sth 喜欢做某事46. lots of /a lot of +bananas/apples许多香蕉/苹果47. lots of /a lot of +water/bread许多水/面包48. orange juice 桔子汁 49. learn about 了解50. have a look 看一看51. Here you are 给你 52. Jims coat/jacket/book 吉姆的外衣/夹克衫/书53. Teachers Day 教师节 Childrens Day儿童节54. lucy and Lilis mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈55. Happy Birthday! 生日快乐56. speech contest 演讲比赛57. go to a movie 去 看电影58. on weekends 在周末 59. in fact 事实上60. stay at home 呆在家61. a kind of 一种62. English club英语俱乐部chess club象棋俱乐部63. be good with 和相处很好 be good for 对有好处 be good at 擅长66 help sb with sth=help sb (to)do sth 帮某人做某事67 what time 几点 what day星期几68 get home 到家 get to school 到学校 69 go home 回家go to school上学 go to work 上班 go to bed上床70 take a shower 洗漱71 对话 A: lets play soccer. B: I dont have a soccer. A: Well,Lets play volleyball. B: That sounds good.72. 对话 Clerk: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater. Clerk: What color do you want ? Mary: Blue. Clerk: Here you are. Mary: How much is it ? Clerk: Nine dollars. Mary: Ill take it .Thank you. Clerk: You are welcome. 74.对话 A: What club do you want to join? B: We want to join the chess club . A: Can you play chess ? B: No,I cant 75 .Page50对话 76 .family name=last name ; telephone=phone; black 反义词-white answer-反义词-ask 77. this 反义词-that these-反义-词-those interesting-反义词-boring happy-反义词-sad 78. on - -反义词- under here -反义词-there go-反义词-come new反义词-old 79. small-反义词-big short-反义词-long sister对义词-brother son-对应词-daughter 80. she对应词-he boy-对应词-girl there同音词-their no-同音词-know81. right同音词-write too/to同音词-two one-序数词-first two-序数词-second82. three-序数词-third five-序数词-fifth nine-序数词- ninth twelve-序数词-twelfth 83. success-形容词-successful real副词-really
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