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How to Push a Product学习目标语言目标:1.本课重点词汇 2.重点句型 能力目标 :了解一些简单的产品推销策略,并用英语表达。本课重点: 词汇、句型、语言点预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)1、 一轮阅读做题目学习建议迅速浏览对话,跳过生词,捉捕关键信息,把握对话大意,完成课后练习1.(T/F)二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议:在文中勾画出单词、短语和重点句型,并按要求尝试完成下列题目。1. 单词(英汉互译)(1) 战斗,战役_;(2)create(名词) _;(3) ad(全写)_(4)customer_ ;(5)已经_ (6)similar_. (7)sample_; (8)提供,供给_;(9) shine(过去式)_ (10)quality_(10) (11)succeed(名词)_sure(副词)_ 2.短语(1)推销产品_;(2)出色,杰出_(3)吸引某人的目光_(4)在.方面有兴趣_;(5) stand out_ (6) get to_ 3.翻译句子(1)What is important for pushing a product?(2) People coming to trade shows already have an interest in similar product._(3)people get to know the advantages of your product after they experience using it. _(我的疑惑) 请将预习中不能解决的问题写下来,供课堂解决。 探究案质疑探究质疑解疑、合作探究探究点一:单词和短语探究 1.already和 yet的区别:(1)The old man is already 90 years old.(2) I havent finished it yet.(3) Have they come to school yet?思考:仔细观察上面的例句,already和yet 都有_的意思,但already常用在_句中,置于实意动词之前,be动词、助动词及情态动词之后。yet常用在_句中,却置于句末。2. get to.渐渐 . 逐渐. 暗示有一个较长的过程,其后跟know,like , hate,understand,realize.等表示心理感觉的词。(1) After some time ,he got to understand his parents.(翻译) _(2) He began to get _( know )what is important. 试着总结与get to相似的短语_(1) 探究点二 重难点语法探究*重难点句子探究1.offeroffering samples and deals will get you more customers. 翻译:_.offer此处用作及物动词,意为_,其后可跟名词,代词,也可跟双宾语,构成offer sb. sth.= offer sth to sb.(为某人提供某物)(1) You should offer your students some help.=_. 扩展:offer to do sth.主动提出做某事即时练: She offered _( lend )me her book. I can offer _(help) this old man offer ones seat =give up ones seat(让座) Eg: We should offer our seat to the old men. 3.succeed in .(1)succeed in sth /doing sth.意为“在(做).(方面)成功”即时练:Did your son succeed in the exam?翻译:_. (2)We have succeeded in _(finish ) doing it.翻译:_.思考:succeed (名词)_ (形容词)_(副词)_常用短语:have success in sth/doing sth. be successful in sthdoing sth. Eg: (翻译)The successful young man had a great success in business successfully._ 练习案一、 根据句意补全单词1. I have a_ finished my homework.2. There are many c_ to buy this product. 3. He s_ in reading this word fluently at last.2 单项选择1. Im sorry it hasnt been ready _ A.yet B.ever C.still D.already2.She will _ in _the exam. A.successful pass B.success passing C.succeed passing D.successful passing3.Danny offered _(speak) out his story. A.speak B.speaks C.speaking D. to speak 4.He _ in this exam. A.stood up B.stand out C.stand up D.stood out5. Many things can _ our eyes. A.catch B.make C.take D.have总结出本课推销产品的简单策略句型_ 总结反刍:1.回忆本课重点单词2.回忆本课重点短语 3.认真预习Lesson 30,完成Lesson 30课前预习案,并在课本上进行重难点以及疑惑点的标注。
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