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Unit5 Lesson15 Whoareyourfavouriteteachers Whataretheylike Whyaretheyyourfavoutiteteachers Readthefoursentencesandpredictwhattheinterviewisabout Itmaybeabouthisteacherandhim Readtheinterviewandputthefoursentencesinorder cbad ReadthequestionsinEx 3 Thinkaboutthem Readtheinterviewagainandanswerthequestions Heoftenforgottodohishomeworkanddidn tdowellintests 1 HowdidChenChengdoinhisjuniorhighschoolatfirst SheaskedChenChengtogotoheroffice 2 WhatdidMrsTangdolikeotherteachers Sherespectedhim 3 HowdidMrsTangchangeChenCheng ItwasspecialforChenChengbecauseheremembersthestory Itwasn tspecialforMrsTangbecauseshedoesn trememberit 4 WasthismemoryspecialforChenCheng WasitforMrsTang Why Listentotheinterview Youcanreadafterit MakeadialogueaccordingtothepassageoractoutthedialogueinLesson15 Pairwork Languagepoints 1 payv 付出 付费 过去式是paid Hepaidmefiveyuan 他付了我五元钱 Wepay35yuanforeachticket 我们每张票付35元 ShallIpayforyou 我替你付款好吗 spend cost和pay的用法区别1 spend的主语必须是人 常用于以下结构 spendtime moneyonsth 在 上花费时间 金钱 Ispenttwohoursonthismathsproblem 这道数学题花了我两个小时 spendtime money in doingsth 花费时间 金钱 做某事Theyspenttwoyears in buildingthisbridge 造这座桥花了他们两年时间 2 cost的主语是物或某种活动 还可以表示 值 常见用法如下 sth costs sb 金钱某物花了 某人 多少钱Anewcomputercostsalotofmoney 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱 doing sth costs sb 时间某物 做某事 花了 某人 多少时间Rememberingthesenewwordscosthimalotoftime 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词 3 pay的基本用法是 pay sb moneyforsth 付钱 给某人 买 payforsth 付 的钱paysomemoneytodosth 花钱做某事payoff偿还 还清 债务等 payavisit tosomeplace 访问某地payattentiontosth doingsth 注意某事 做某事 这件外套花费了我100元 几种不同的表达方式 Ispend100yuanonthiscoat Ispend100yuantobuythiscoat Thecoatcostme100yuan Itcostme100yuantobuythiscoat Ipaid100yuanforthiscoat 1 Theyspendtoomuchtime thereport 报道 A writingB towriteC onwritingD write2 Whatbeautifulshoesyou rewearing Theymustbeexpensive No theyonly l0yuan A spentB openedC paidD cost A D 3 Willyouplease formydinner Peter Sure A spendB payC costD open4 Weshould muchattentiontoourpronunciation A spendB payC costD remember B B 2 Itwashardformetopayattentionatschool 这是Itis was adj forsb todosth 的句型 forsb 常用于表示事物的特征特点 表示客观形式的形容词 如easy hard difficult interesting impossible等 It sveryhardforhimtostudytwolanguages 对他来说学两门外语是很难的 ItisgoodforXiaoWangtotravelabroad 对小王来说出国旅行是件好事 比较 Itis was adj ofsb todosth ofsb 的句型一般用表示人物的性格 品德 表示主观感情或态度的形容词 如good kind nice clever foolish right等 It sveryniceofyoutohelpme 你来帮助我 你真是太好了 Itwasrightofhernottocomehere 她没有来这儿 太对了 完成下列句子Itwasstupid 愚蠢的 metotalkinthatwaytomymother 2 Itisveryimportant ustostudyEnglish 3 Itwasdifficult thelittleboytocarrysuchaheavybox 4 Itisclever themtomakegooduseoftheInternet of for for of Wecanalwaysturntoyou ourbelovedteachers
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