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北师大版 初中英语 七年级下册Unit6TheAnimalKingdomLesson17 第二课时 neck ear arm leg eyes nose mouth body head below thin back short far 简单句与复合句 Penguinshaveshortnecks Giraffeshavelonglegs Wealllikehim Monkeyshavelongarms sotheycanmovefromtreetotree Theycanrunfastbuttheycan trunforalongtime 简单句与复合句 简单句 只含有一套主谓结构Penguinshaveshortnecks Giraffeshavelonglegs Wealllikehim 并列复合句 两个或两个以上主谓结构并列Monkeyshavelongarms sotheycanmovefromtreetotree Theycanrunfastbuttheycan trunforalongtime Monkeyshavelongarms Monkeyscanmovefromtreetotree Monkeyshavelongarms sotheycanmovefromtreetotree Giraffescanrunfast Giraffescan trunforalongtime Giraffescanrunfastbuttheycan trunforalongtime 并列 或者 连词 and并列or选择but转折so因果 Completethesentenceswithor and butorso and but so or Elephantshavebigbodiesandstronglegs ron Elephantshavelong strongnoses sotheycanholdthingswiththeirnoses Elephantsareheavy buttheycanswimandrun appearance Interestingfeatures Features 特征 body head legs neck eyes Appearance and but or so Homework 1 完成WorkbookEx 2 4 2 写一篇描述一种动物的文章 用上and or but和so ThankYou
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