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Wheres the post officeChoose the right answers. 单项选择填空。1The girl next _ Nancy is talking to her in English. A. atB. inC. toD. of 2Rick sits _Jims left in Team Three. A. onB. inC. toD. at3Turn right _ the traffic lights. A. toB. in C. at D. of4Is there _ park near here? A. theB. aC. an D. /5Where is _ post office? A. a B. theC. an D. /6Turn left off the First Avenue and walk _ a park on Center Street. A. acrossB. alongC. straightD. through7The man _ me is talking loudly with the girl _. A. in front; to his leftB. in front of; to his rightC. at the front of; on his leftD. in front of; on his right 8Could you tell me the _ to the movie theater? A. road B. streetC. way D. avenue9The pay phone is fifty meters away _ here. A. to B. atC. fromD. for10How _ is it? Its 150 meters. A. longB. muchC. manyD. far11Good morning, Madam. _ can I help you? A. WhatB. WhereC. Why D. How12How do I get _ New Street? A. atB. inC. to D. of13Are you going _ foot or _ bike? A. by; byB. on; onC. by; onD. on; by14Go _ the road and then turn right _ Bridge Street. A. along; off B. along; into C. straight; into D. straight; off 15Go _ the bridge and its _ the other side of the river. A. across; on B. across; atC. along; onD. along; at Change the following sentences. 句子转换根据后面的要求改写句子 。16There is a bank on Fifth Avenue. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_17The pay phone is next to the post office. (改为否定句)_18My house is on a busy street. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_19Kate has some money in her pocket. (改为否定句)_20The library is between_the_video_arcade_and_the_supermarket. (就划线部分提问)_M: A hotel will be fine. E: In Marlow town center or would you like to stay outside? M: In town center, please. E: Right. Would you like me to make a booking for you? M: Yes, please. Thanks a lot. 判断下列句子的正误, 正确的写T, 错误的写F。21Emily helps people to find places to visit. 22A man comes in and asks her some questions one morning. 23The man is a tourist to the center. 24The man wants to stay outside the town. 25The man makes a booking for the hotel. Writing. 根据下图写一段话。(60字左右)_参考答案15 CACBB610 DDCCD1115 DCDBA16Is there a bank on Fifth Avenue? Yes, there is. 17The pay phone isnt next to the post office. 18Is your house on a busy street? No, it isnt. 19Kate doesnt have any money in her pocket. 20Where is the library? 2125 TFTFF(略)
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