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Unit1 Playing SportsTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me?Section B课题Unit1 Playing SportsTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me?Section B教学时间2课时编写者教学目标1. 继续学习would you mind.? 句型2. 学习表示抱怨和道歉的功能用语 评测点1. Learn some new words and phrases:Careless, chance, shout at, goal, either, fight, be angry with, do ones best, nothing, keep doing sth, serve, turn down, dirty, minute, in a minute, ready, clearly, another, take a seat2. Go on learning the sentence pattern Would you mind.?3. Learn the expressions of making complaints and apologies and give students moral education.4. Learn some useful expressions: You missed a good chance. What do you mean by saying that? You shouldnt shout at me. Kangkang, dont be angry with Michael. He did his beat. Kangkang, would you ming saying sorry to Mcihael? Im very sorry for what I said. Would you mind turning down the music? That book wasnt important to me. Never mind. I have another one.教学过程参考一、预习指导(先学)1. 告知学生本课的学习目标和重难点:继续学习would you mind.? 句型学习表示抱怨和道歉的功能用语2. 检查学生自学情况检查学生完成导学案的情况(没完成的同学作为三清的对象)请几位同学朗读单词(每天所学单词在下午放学前组员找组长朗读过关)2 预习交流与成果展示(判断)1. 学生不看书听录音,回答下列问题:Did Michaels team win the game?did kangkang said sorry to Michael?2. 学生朗读P11,1a,听录音纠正,之后各组朗读至少三遍3. 学生再次阅读P11,1a,翻译下列句子 You missed a good chance!_ What do you mean by saying that?_ You shouldnt shout at me._ Kangkang, dont be angry with Michael. He did his best, and he._ Kangkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael?_ Im very sorry for what I said._ Were sure to win next time._a. 尝试翻译句子,熟悉词组用法别冲着孩子喊叫。_Maria 没有去学校,所以她的父母很生气。_ 我会尽我最大的努力。_ 你应该向李明道歉。_ 我们确信明天能早来。_4. 学生翻译1a,并找出表达请求,抱怨和道歉的句子Youre always so careless.You shouldnt shout at me.Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?Im very sorry for what I said.Its nothing.3 发现问题,解决疑难1. 学生再次阅读1a,找出其他重要的句子(参考评测点)2. 请学生找出文中不懂的句子和词组共同探讨解释:Miss a chance; shout at sb; either; be angry with sb; do ones best; say sorry to sb; be sure to do sth; be sure that+从句4 自学指引1. 完成P11,1b2. 完成P12,2,3,观察句子尝试总结道歉和应答常用的句型be sorry for /about +Ving/nbe sorry to do sthbe sorry that从句Never mind.It doesnt matter.Thats OK.Its nothing.5 练习巩固1. 课堂小测:翻译列句子A. 我为再次迟到感到抱歉。B. 我很抱歉打破了你的杯子。C. 对不起我不能和你一起去2. 完成随堂练习六布置任务1.根据所学单词造句2.完成导学案Section C3.做好听写单词的准备经典例题、素材、练习、作业等导学案一预习目标1. 继续学习would you mind.? 句型2. 学习表示抱怨和道歉的功能用语二重点词句New words(新单词): New phrases(新词组): Useful expressions(有用的表达法): 3 课文探究1.尝试自己拼读Section B的新单词并尽量识记2.尝试自己朗读P11 1a 3遍,将不懂的单词,词组,句子做好标记3.翻译1a中的下列句子,并回答问题 You missed a good chance!_ What do you mean by saying that?_ You shouldnt shout at me._ Kangkang, dont be angry with Michael. He did his best, and he._ Kangkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael?_ Im very sorry for what I said._ _ Were sure to win next time._a. 尝试翻译句子,熟悉词组用法别冲着孩子喊叫。_Maria 没有去学校,所以她的父母很生气。_ 我会尽我最大的努力。_ 你应该向李明道歉。_ 我们确信明天能早来。_4. 再次阅读1a,从文中找出表达请求,道歉及应答的功能用语,并完成1b_
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