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Unit 6 Our local area Topic 2 What kind of home do you live in(第1课时)【学习目标】1.Be able to remember these new words and phrases:country, month, Mrs., furniture, quiet, call sb. at 2. Be able to talk about the kinds of buildings. townhouse, farmhouse, apartment 3. Learn to read and write the ads for rent and being wanted.(1) Small apartment for students. ¥850 a month.(2) House with three bedrooms. Call Mrs. Tong in the evening.(3) House with furniture for a family of three.(4) Looking for a quiet double room under¥300 per month.4. Learn to find out the language rules and give more examples.【知识链接】给你的朋友写一封信,介绍一下自己家的房间分类及房子周围的环境。【预习达标】预习课文,回答下列问题:1. What kind of home does Wang Wei live in? 2. What kind of home does Kangkang live in? 3. What kind of home do Wang Weis grandparents live in? 【学习流程】l 自学指导1 公寓大楼 2 市镇住宅 3 农舍 4 月份 5 家具 6 安静的 7 你家是什么样的? 8 是一座公寓大楼。 l 合作探究 1. What kind of home live in? 家是什么样子的?译:她家是什么样的? 2. call sb. at 用号码给某人打电话 如:给Jim打电话拨1234455 3. House with furniture for a family of three 家具齐全,适合三口之家居住的房屋。4. If you want to rent a house from/to others, how do you write it? l 展示提升Survey your group about the different types of homes which they live in and report it to your class.Example:A: What kind of home do you live in ? B: Its an apartment.HomeapartmenttownhouseFarmhouseNumberReport like this: In our group, three students live in 【盘点收获】今天我学会了 我能够 【当堂检测,点击中考】一,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。call,apartment,rent,group,furniture1.If you dont have much money to buy a house, you can one.2.Its a new house and there isnt any in it.3.You can him at 13034567456. 4.I live in an with my friends.5.I like studying with a .二,假设张先生一家三口从外地来北京做生意, 想求租有家具的房子, 请学生们替他写则广告, 张先生电话号码是8839-2357。 【点评检测结果】教师复备栏/学生笔记栏
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