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Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather Topic 1 whats the weather like in spring(第4课时)【学习目标】1.复习构词法、一般现在时和一般过去时的用法。2.谈论温度、天气、季节并学写天气预报。【知识链接】译成英语:家乡_如果_旅行_穿戴_假日_旅行_雨伞_澳大利亚_记起_大部分的_部分_太阳_照耀_ 明亮地_太阳眼镜_短裤_突然_ 一节,段_到达_我们自己_希望_【预习达标】单词:大量地_收割_忙的_叶子_风_ 强烈地_纽约_悉尼_报道_词组:忙于做某事 _出版_复苏_句型:万物复苏。_这是一个收获的季节。_ 冬天从十二月持续二月。_农民正在忙着收割。_【学习流程】自学指导.Grammar focus. Present Simple Past Simple I liked winter before, but now I like summer best. Its rainy today. But it was sunny and warm yesterday.合作探究1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1).Whats the weather like in summer? 2).What are the farmers busy doing in fall? 3).Which month does winter usually come in? 4).Do people wear warm clothes in winter?2. Whats the weather like? / How is the weather? Its warm. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? Its hard to say. /I like summer best. How is it going? Very well. Whats the temperature? It is betweenand Youd better find out the weather in different places in August. 展示提升1. Write a weather report according to the information below.City WeatherTemperature Beijing sunny2-10Toronto snowy-10-4New York cloudy3-7Sydney foggy15-20You can begin like this: Here is weather report on February 20th for some big cities in the world. Beijing is sunny. The high temperature is 10 and the low temperature is 2. _2.Make notes according to 1a Spring return in March/ get warm/come back to life/ a wonderful season Summer begin in June, hot, rain heavily Fall come after summer, harvest season, cool Winter last from December to February, cold, wear warm clothes, wind 【盘点收获】1.Come after的用法_2.last的用法_【当堂检测,点击中考】( ) 1.In western countries many people believe Christ came back _ life _ Easter Day.A. in; toB. to; onC. on; toD. to; at( ) 2.Before Spring Festival, people are busy _ for it.A. preparingB. preparedC. prepareD. to prepare( ) 3.They decorated Christmas trees _ lights, colorful balls, stars and so on.A. in B. use C. with D. by( ) 4.When is Halloween?Halloween is _ the night of October 31st.A. in B. at C. of D. on( ) 5.When May Day comes, we have a _ holiday.A. one-dayB. one -daysC. one daysD. one day( ) 6.On April Fools Day, Michael played a trick _ his neighbor.A. atB. onC. inD. to( )7. _ Christmas Eve, the night _ December 24th, families often get together and go to church.A. On; onB. On; ofC. In; onD. At; of【点评检测结果】 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏
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