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Chapter 2 A day in the life of WHIZ-KID WENDY Language一、章节分析(一)综述本章节主要语法- 一般现在时和频率副词的基本用法。当我们在描述经常或有规律发生的事情时,经常会使用一般现在时。一般现在时中,根据主语的不同,动词会有不同的变化,所以一般现在时也相应有不同的几种形式,对于中国学生来说,这一点是和汉语最大的不同,学生们较难把握,容易出错的地方,应该让学生充分了解这一点。而要用好一般现在时,熟练掌握频率副词也是重要的基本功之一。(二)目标正确使用一般现在时。熟练掌握频率副词。(三)教学方法 归纳法。(学生对这两个语法并不陌生,所以主要是帮助他们总结和归纳。)(四)重点和难点动词的变化形式。副词在句中的不同位置。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Lead in 1. Warming up2. Present the simple present tense.3. Present adverbs of frequency. 链接8OXFORD ENGLSIH 课本Practice1. The forms of verbs in the simple present tense.2. The position of adverbs of frequency in the sentences.OXFORD ENGLSIH 课本Exercises and homework教师自编题目和书后练习结合操练链接9OXFORD ENGLSIH 课本以及课后练习怎样学好牛津英语 链接8说明:这是一份关于一般现在时的基本用法的归纳整理。Simple present tense(一般现在时) 1. 一般现在时的含义 (1)现在的事实,如: My hair is long我留长发。(目前是长发,但过去或将来可能不是。) (2)经常发生的行为动作,如: Simon plays football after school西蒙放学后踢足球(这个动作经常在放学后发生。) (3)真理、基本事实或常见现象,如: The Earth goes around the Sun地球绕着太阳转(地球绕太阳转是永恒不变的真理。) 2. 一般现在时的结构(1) 一般现在时的肯定句结构I/You/We/Theywantfood.He/She/ItwantsI work in a shopMy brother works in a bank我在商店上班,我哥哥在银行上班Linda lives in LondonHer parents live in Scotland琳达住在伦敦,她的父母住在苏格兰。It rains a lot in winter冬天雨水很多。(2) 一般现在时的否定句结构 I/You/We/Theydo not/dont want food.He/She/Itdoes not/ doesntSue drinks tea but she doesnt drink coffee苏喝茶,但她不喝咖啡。We don,t watch television very often我们不常看电视。The weather is usually niceIt doesnt rain very often天气总是不错。不常下雨。Gerry and Linda dont know many people盖瑞和琳达认识的人不多。(3) 一般现在时的一般疑问句结构及其肯定、否定回答 DoI/You/We/They want food.Does he/She/It Yes,I/you/we/theydo.he/she/itdoes. No,I/you/we/theydo not/donthe/she/itdoes not/ doesnt -Do you play tennis?你打网球吗? -No,I dont不,我不打。 -Does George work hard? 乔治工作努力吗? -Yeshe does是的,他挺努力的。 小结 在肯定句中,若人称为第三人称单数,则后面的行为动词需要加s,构成否定句和疑问句时,助动词要选用does,而不是do。3. 第三人称单数后行为动词加S的规则。 一般单词加swalk-walks以辅音字母加y结尾的单词去y变i加esfly-flies以 s,ch,sh或x结尾的单词加escatch-catches部分以o结尾的单词加esgo-goesdo-does 链接9说明:这是一份关于一般现在时的专项练习。一般现在时专项练习I. Choose the best answers1. The light in Mrs Whites bedroom is still on, she usually _ late.A. work B. works C. worked D. working2. My father _ his own car, so he has to go to work by bus.A. have B has C. doesnt have D. has no3. Wendy _ to the pop songs.A. enjoy listening B. enjoys to listenC. enjoy to listen D. enjoys listening4. The young man _ TV 3 hours a day.A. watch B. watches C. watched D. watching5. Jack never has lunch in the office, _?A. has he B. does he C. hasnt he D. doesnt he6. All of her family _ in her business these years.A. works B. work C. working D. will workKey:B C D B B BII. Fill in the blank with the verbs in their proper forms:1. Fred _ (not eat) hot dogs for breakfast.2. Who _ (collect) the children from school every afternoon.3. He and I _ (help) the teacher to clean the office three times a week.4. _ his mother _ (teach) maths at the public school?5. Sandy sometimes _ (miss) the 7:30 a. m. underground.6. The house _ to Mr Green.(belong)Key: 1. doesnt eat 2. collects 3. help 4. Doesmother 5. misses 6. belongsIII. Rewrite the sentences as required:1. May usually makes a phone call to her family at the weekend. (改一般疑问句并否定回答)2. The students like talking about the cartoon characters after class. (改一般疑问句并肯定回答)3. Wendy attends a computer club meeting on Friday afternoon.(改否定句)4. We have lessons during the summer holidays. (改否定句)5. Mike always gets an A in Chinese. (划线提问)6. The class teacher have a meeting once a week. (划线提问)
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