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Unit 3 How do you get to school?目标1. 巩固本单元重点单词,句型。2. 会背诵本单元相关文章并应用,能写一篇如何去某地的作文。重点1. 巩固本单元重点单词,句型。2. 会背诵本单元相关文章并应用,能写一篇如何去某地的作文。我的问题难点会背诵本单元相关文章并应用,能写一篇如何去某地的作文。自主学习1. 自主完成Self check练习,然后小组合作对答案。2. 自主预习,按要求完成Self check的第2部分,然后小组内两两合作进行口语练习并展示。3. 先个人整理本单元重点单词,特别是重点分清单词的词性,各词性之间的变化,重点短语,句型等。然后小组合作核对,精炼并展示。精讲互动1. 重点单词:_2. 重点短语:_3.重点句型:_达标训练I完形填空:On weekends, some people like to stay 1 home, but others like to go for a walk or travel 2 car. Jack 3 in a factory. On weekdays he always 4 the same thing, and he often 5 his car to work, and sometimes he 6 the subway, too. On weekends he drives his car to take his family to a nearby 7 . His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a big one, but there are always 8 things to do. The children gives chickens their 9 . Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they all 10 and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.( )1. A. from B. in C. at D. on( )2. A. take B. buy C. by D. ride( )3. A. works B. work C. working D. worked( )4. A. does B. make C. has D. have( )5. A. sells B. rides C. drives D. takes( )6. A. makes B. in C. by D. takes( )7. A. city B. club C. supermarket D. village( )8. A. many B. lots C. much D. a lot( )9. A. clothes B. fish C. rices D. food( )10. A. clean B. boring C. late D. happyII. 用take, in, on 和by 填空。1. My mother likes going to work _ her car.2. I go to school _ my bike from Monday to Friday.3. He usually goes his office (办公室) _ bus.4. I want to _ the train to travel next week.5. He often gets to the park _ foot.III. 完成句子。 4. The boat is difficult to go across the river. (同义句转换)_ is difficult _ the boat _ _ across the river.5. 骑车去旅游是一个极好的锻炼。 Traveling _ _ is a _ _.6. 你家离学校有多远? _ _ is it _ your home _ school? 同学们,这个单元至此你们就学完了,不要忘记在后面的学习中继续来复习呀,怎么复习呢?对了!你每天都会从某个地方到学校,那么我们可以和朋友们在路上车上边走边练对话(那么我们阳光住宿生不禁要问了,“宿舍”怎么说呢?很好!dorm/d:m/),这对你是很有帮助的呢! _ 基本练习方式就是Grammar focus里的四个句型,八句话。你能顺利地说下来就成功啦!作业小结
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