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Unit 10周周清单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. Mum, could you pass me ? A. a bread B. two pieces of bread C. a few bread D. some breads( ) 2._ the time I got to the cinema, the film had already started. A. From B. In C. By D. For( ) 3. Mom and Dad are _ movie lovers. They have many hobbies in common. A. allB. bothC. neitherD. either( )4. My car _ on my way to work yesterday. Oh, bad luck!A. break down B. break off C. broke off D. broke down( )5. As soon as the fire alarm _, all the students rushed out of the classrooms.A. went up B. went on C. went off D. went over( )6. They had to wait _ the dog _ out of the room. A. for; come B. for; to come C. at; to come D. at; coming( )7.Mrs Cheng, Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home.Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow.A. forget; takingB. left; to bring C. forget; to take D. left; bring( )8. How long have Mr. and Mrs. Green _? For more than thirty years.A. married B. had married C. marry D. been married( )9. My mother kept working for 12 hours. Now she is _ and needs a good rest.A. embarrassed B. exhausted C. lucky D. energetic( )10. I thought my deskmate would be _ for class, but he was late again. A. on time B. in time C. at times D. at any time( )11. The boy did his homework _ carefully _ he hardly made mistakes in it.A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; that( )12. _ happened _Tony on April Fools Day?Well, a friend of his told him to go to a costume party.A. What; with B. What; to C. How; with D. How; to ( )13. What a pity! Michael Jackson died on June26,2020.So it is. Doctors said he _ breathing when they arrived.A. has stopped B. stopped C. had stopped D. was stopping( )14.You went to see the new film Walk To School last night, didnt you?Yes, but it _ for 20 minutes when I got to the cinema. A. had started B. has been on C. has begun D. had been on ( )15.Dont forget to give my best wishes to your mother. _ A. No, I wont.B. OK, I will. C. Its my pleasure!D. Are you kidding?II. 完形填空(20分)One Saturday morning a careless car driver threw a cigarette out of his car ten miles west of the small Canadian town of Stanton. The forest at the side of the road was dry (干燥的). 16 a few minutes the trees were on fireA truck driver saw the 17 when he was on his way to Stanton. As soon as he 18 the town he told the police about it. Soon firefighters were rushing westwards. When they reached the fire, they saw it was very 19 . A west wind was carrying the fire towards Stanton and the firefighters could not 20 it. Then, one of the firefighters 21 a message back to the town by radio.The chief fire officer and hundreds of people 22 to a place about a mile of the town. There they used dynamite (炸药) to blow down the trees and to clear a wide path through the forest. 23 the fire reached the path, it began to die down because there was 24 left to burn. After several hours they managed to 25 the fire and save the town.()16. A. DuringB. Before C. For D. After()17. A. cigarette B. fire C. car D. forest()18. A. reachedB. left C. lived D. found()19. A. safe B. small C. big D. beautiful()20. A. stop B. help C. save D. treat()21. A. sent B. got C. took D. carried()22. A. rushed B. jumped C. traveledD. pushed ()23. A. However B. Though C. When D. If()24. A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing ()25. A. turn up B. clean up C. give outD. put out III 完成句子(15分)26. 我喜欢看结局好的电视剧。 I prefer to watch the TV play that _.27. 如果你去超市,请尽可能多买些牛奶。If you go to the supermarket, please buy _milk as _.28. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。We are _; I dont think we can _ _. 29. 你能让我搭个车吗? Would you please _?30. 他的妹妹从没在化装晚会上露面。 His sister_ in the costume party.
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