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Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.(第4课时)策略与反思纠错与归纳【学习目标】1. 学会 rubbish;seek;online;type;mostly;combine;symbol;mark;riddle;experiment;proper;pleased;queue;normally;learnby oneself等单词和短语。2. 熟悉英文电邮的写法,增强课外阅读的能力。3. 学会在生活中做个有心人,有礼有节之人。【温故知新】学而时习之 不亦说乎根据汉语意思完成句子:1. He _ make me happy. 他特意使我高兴。2. I _yesterday. 昨天我犯了许多错误。 3.My hobby _. 我的爱好与他的不同。 4. He _ the country life. 他习惯了乡下的生活。5. That woman _. 习惯晚饭后散步。6. I _ to remember everything. 我发现要记住每一样事是困难的。【自主学习】I 英汉互译 认真预习P.100,找出下列短语并熟读背诵1. seek sb. / sth. _ I seek you = i c q 2. e-mail chat line _ 3. _ _ 和朋友上网聊天4. type quickly /slowly _ 5. _ 养成好习惯 6. _ 把sth和sth结合7. _ 使用标点符号记号8. show the emotion you are feeling_9. e-mail sb /a friend (v ) _ send an e-mail to sb (n) _ e-mail English 电子邮件英语10. write riddles _11. learn sth. by oneself / teach oneself_ 教我们英语 _12. at the proper / right time _13. be pleased/happy to do _14. _ 插队 _ 排队等待15. have a seat =sit down = seat oneself _16. arrive a bit / a little late _17. make faces _18. a left / right bracket _19. send a message to sb. on a mobile phone_20. _ 省时21. _ 书面英语 【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点一、知识讲解,完成相关汉译英。(Self-check and Reading)1. E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. 电子邮件英语是一种新型的书面英语是被用来节省时间。be being used to正被用于;2. A lot of e-mail English words might look unfamiliar to us _many look like rubbish! 大量的电子信箱英文单词看起来陌生,许多看起来像垃圾!look unfamiliar to 看起来与不相似;look familiar to 看起来与相似look like 看起来像;他们看起来并不相似。_3. This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ , which means I seek you. 这是因为他们来自一种叫ICQ的电脑程序,意思是我在寻找你. a computer program called ICQ 一种叫ICQ的电脑程序; seek sb 寻找sb. ;_我正在寻找那位好心人。4. These are formed by using the first letter of each word in the phrase. 这些都是由短语中每个单词的第一个字母组成的。be formed by using 通过使用组成。5. When you write e-mail English you do not need to use punctuation marks only in the traditional way. 当你写电子邮件英语时,不必只用传统方式来标注标点符号。in the traditional way 用传统方式, 与way 有关的短语:in a way在某种程度上, in this way用这种方法, on the way在路上,by the way顺便问一下用传统的方式他写了一封书信。_6. You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling. 你也应该用它来显示你的情绪感觉。show the emotion 显示你的情绪感觉 show sb. sth, 展示某人某事_你应该展示你的情感。7. The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them. 使用标点符号的好处是,你可以用作他们的面孔。 The advantage of的优点;make faces 制作笑脸 每天锻炼的优点是你可以是自己更加健康。_8. The most common one is the happy face_ it looks like this :) and it is made with a colon and a right bracket beside it. 最常见的是高兴的面孔,它看起来像这样:),它是一个冒号和旁边的右括号的。 is made with a colon and a right bracket由一个冒号和旁边的右括号成 be made with 用制成be made from;be made of 二者都是:“由.组成”的意思; be made of 用.材料制成,强调物理变化。be made from 用多种材料制成,强调化学变化。be made of 看得出原材料;be made from看不出原材料 如:这张桌子是用木头制造的。_【活学活用】 我尝试 我成功 我快乐用所给词的适当形式填空1The boy is _(familiar) to me. I havent seen him before.2Were you supposed to begin with the _(large) one or the smallest?3The girl is very clever. She can learn English by _(she)4Email English _(most) uses two types of word.5Email English is a new kind of _(write) English that being used to save time.6In the US,you are not _(suppose) to eat with your hands.【当堂检测】技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台一、把左右两栏搭配起来,组成完整的句子1. You are not supposedA. that is being used to save time.2. The happy face is madeB. that people use to have online conversations with friends3. Email English is a new kind of written EnglishC. by using the first letter of each word in the phrase.4. ICQ is an email “chat line”D. with a colon and a right bracketbeside it.5. In email English,abbreviations are formedE. to use email English in class.
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