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Unit 4 What would you do(第3课时)策略与反思 纠错与归纳【学习目标】1. 扎实掌握fair,annoy等单词, 熟练运用句型 would rather do sth than do sth.2. 能够描述各种不同的性格, 会写性格问卷调查。3. 牢记目标,全力以赴,享受英语学习的乐趣. 发展与人和谐交往的能力。 【使用说明与学法指导】1. 预习课本p30&31内容,你认为哪个句型重要_ 2. 预习完课本第30,31页内容,你还有什么问题 _ 【自主学习】认真预习,测试一下自己的自学能力,老师相信你一定很棒! I 默写下列单词及短语1. 相当自信_ 2. not in the slightest_3. annoy sb _ 4. fairly confident _5. plenty of friends _ 6而不是 _ 7. would ratherthan _8. 说你的坏话_9. 让某人失望 _ 10. 在考试中名列前茅 _11. 喜欢别人的陪伴 _12 be easy to get along with _13. 一小圈好朋友 _14. 剩余的学生 _II 预习P14&15,先通读课文,再试着翻译以下句子,Try your best.。 1 你喜欢和一两个人交谈而不是和一群人交谈。_2社交场合对你一点影响也没有。_3你宁愿呆在家里读一本好书也不愿去参加聚会。_4她害怕在别人面前讲话。_5. 你总能想出问题的好的解决办法。_ 【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点知识讲解 You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.你喜欢和一两个人交谈而不是和一群人交谈。rather than 意为“而不是,与其不如”, 可作为一个连词词组,连接两个并列成分,表示在两者之间选择, 意为“是A而不是B”He is a writer rather than a teacher.rather than 还可以用在prefer to do sth rather than do sth 相当于would r rather do sth than do sth如 : I prefer to read rather than do nothing. = I would rather_ than _nothing. 我宁愿看书也不愿无所事事。Sometimes you might annoy people.1. annoy 动词,使生气,使烦恼。在annoy 后加上ing即 annoying 构成形容词,意思是“恼人的” 如 It is annoying to miss a train. 译 _ 在annoy 后加上ed 即 annoyed, 意为“愤怒的” be annoyed with sb 对某人感到气愤 be annoyed at sth 对某事感到气愤。 2. rest 1) rest 做名词,意为“剩余部分,其余” We will eat some bread and keep the rest for breakfast. 我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭吃。 2)rest既可做动词也可作名词,意为“休息” 动词 I always rest for an hour after dinner. 名词 have a rest 活学活用 我尝试 我成功 我快乐用 would rather ,would ratherthan, prefer to dorather than rather than 填空 1. If you _ _ be alone, well leave here.2. I _ _ watch TV at home _ go to the cinema.3. His elder brother _ _ walk to the cinema _ take a bus. 4. He likes green _ _ blue.【当堂检测】技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台一. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Your friends would say you are a good _ (listen)2. Its a_ ( fair ) easy question.3. I m telling you the news in _ (confident).4. Would you please give a _ (speak) in front of the class?5. Our Party _ (represent) the interests of the people.6. He was _(annoy) with his son. 二 句型转换1. Its a pity that I cant go to the concert because I have no time.( 改为同义句 ) If I _ time, I _ _ to the concert.2. He has a large number of friends. (改为同义句) He has _ _ friends.3. Though it was dark, she didnt feel afraid at all. (改为同义句) Though it was dark, she didnt feel afraid _ _ _.4. Bruce is very naughty. He often annoys his father. (改为同义句) Bruce is very naughty. He often _ his father _.。
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