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Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.(第1课时)策略与反思纠错与归纳【学习目标】1. 识记并运用P60-61的重点短语。2学会使用“ I will” , “ I would like ” 等句型,向别人提供帮助。3. 学会关注社会,关心他人,树立正确的人生观。【重点难点】1. 动词+副词构成的短语,如: clean up ; give out ; cheer up ; put up ; put off; write down ; hand out ; call up ; set up ; fix up ; give away ; work out 等。2. 学会用could 表示建议。 【使用说明与学法指导】1. 认真预习课本P60& p61的内容,勾画出不懂的知识点。2. 合上课本,独立完成导学案。【自主学习】-建立自信,克服畏惧,尝试新知老师在你身边我在这儿和你一起分享自主学习的过程。一、预习单词表P151及P60-61,完成下列练习。1.clean up _2.分发,发放_3. makehappier= _使.高兴,使.振作 4.课后学习小组_5.提出,想出_= think up 6.put off _7.写下,记下_ 8.张贴_9.分发,发放_10.call up _二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11.你可以帮助清扫城市公园。You could _ the city parks.12.我想让生病的孩子高兴起来。I would like to _ sick kids.13.你可以在课后学习小组做义工。You could _ in an study program.14.我们需要想出一个计划。We need to _ a plan.15.我们不能推迟做计划。We cant _ making a plan.【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点温馨提示我们一起跟着知识讲解走走看!当你迷路了,要记得喊我!.Id like to cheer up sick kids. 温馨提示我在和你暗暗较劲儿!看看谁能在5分钟内记下这些考点!cheer up 意思为“使高兴起来,使振奋”,动副搭配。若宾语由代词充当,代词应放在动、副词之间。 16. 没有什么能让我振奋起来。 Nothing can .中考连接17.-What kind of volunteer work would you like to do? - Id like to sick kids in hospital. A. find out B. look up C. cheer up D. hand outWe cant put off making a plan. put off “推迟、取消(会议,约会等)”,动副搭配,后跟动词时应用其-ing形式,代词作宾语需放在put和off中间。18.由于下雨,我们不得不推迟会议。 We have to the meeting because of the rain.19.请你们不要拖延做作业。Please dont your homework.20.你不必去上钢琴课。老师已经把课推迟了。You neednt go to the piano lesson. Our teacher has .中考连接21.-Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? - Im afraid not. Dont what you can do today till tomorrow. A. put on B. put down C. put up D. put off. Ill hand out advertisements after school. hand out =give out意为“分发、发放”。动副搭配。22.请把书发给孩子们。Please the books to the children.中考连接23. Many volunteers food and water to the local people after the earthquake.A. gave out B. cut out C. put out D. found out. set up “建立、创立、开办”。动副搭配。24. 我们打算建立一个食品救济中心来帮助饥饿的人们。Were going to a food bank to help hungry people.25. Edison a chemical lab when he was a child.A. found out B .set up C. sets up D. cleaned up【当堂训练】- 技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台( ) 26. He looks sad. Lets _.A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. fix up him D. cheer he up( ) 27. Were going to _ tables before the party.A. fix up B. put up C. set up D. cut up( ) 28. I didnt sell it. I _it_.A. putup B. puton C. put down D. give away( ) 29. I hate doing homework.Well, _! Well finish it soon.A. worry about B. think about C. cheer up D. mix up( )30. If the UFO came, I would _the police.A. call out B. speak out C. call up D. speak up( )31.We cant _reviewing, because the final test is only three weeks. A. put out B. put off C. put down D. write down( )32.We could _some movie posters on the wall of our cinema. A. put out B. put off C. put down D. put up( )33.Id like to join the school volunteer project, but Im not sure_. A. what I should do B. what should I do C. what I should be do D. what should I am do
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