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Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.(第4课时)策略与反思纠错与归纳【学习目标】1.识记并运用P66-67的重点词汇。. 2.学会使用“词性法”进行阅读。3.乐于助人、懂得感恩。【重点难点】正确使用“词性法”阅读策略进行阅读。 【使用说明与学法指导】1. 认真预习课本Reading部分的内容,勾画出不懂的知识点;可借助字典等学习资料完成自学任务。2. 合上课本,独立完成导学案。【温故知新】 你能写出下列短语的中文并迅速说出区别吗? 1 A. give up B. give out C. give away 2 A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on E put away 3 A. set up B. come up with C. catch up with【自主学习】-建立自信,克服畏惧,尝试新知老师在你身边我在这儿和你一起发现新短语。预习P66,完成下列练习1. send to _ 2. make it possible _ 3.fill my life with pleasure _4. 我的一个朋友 _ 5. 帮助某人解决困境 _ 6. 由于你的善意捐款_ 温馨提示我们一起跟随作者的思路,去感受身体残疾却精神勇敢的体验吧!当你迷路了,要记得喊我!7. 六个月的训练以后_ 8. 用完了钱 _ _ 9. 被很好地用于帮助像我这样的残疾人 _ 【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点.仔细阅读文章,回答下列问题。10.Whats wrong with Liz Smith? .11. What is “Animal Helpers”? .12. What does Miss Li do for “Animal Helpers”? .13. What does Lucky usually help Liz to do? .14. Why does Liz think “Lucky” is the good name for her dog? .、Fill in the chart. Then retell the passage generally according to the chart. LUCKYFrom15Fill Liz Smiths life with16How long has been trained17Be trained to do18Can help to do19Example of being clever20、知识探究1). .Who has filled my life with pleasure. 使我生活充满快乐的人。本句中的fill.with.表示一个动作,意为“用装满”,其主语通常是人。21.他在书包里装满了书。He_ his bag_ _ books . 而be filled with表示一个状态,意为“装满了”,相当于be full of,其主语通常是人或物。22.她眼睛里充满了泪水。Her eyes_ _ _ tears. 2).A friend of mine said that she would like to help me out.help sb out 帮助某人解决困难23.当他生病的时候,他的朋友们帮他摆脱了困境。His friends when he was ill.【当堂训练】 技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台根据所给词的适当形式填空。24.Thank you for _ (send) money to “Animal helpers”.25.He filled his life with_ (please) .26. Last year, a friend of _ _ (my) would like to help me out.27. They make a _ (live) by _ (sell) newspapers.28. After 6 months of _(train), I am able to bring him home.29. Lucky is an _ (amaze)dog.30. It is very important that this organization _ (not run) out of money. 31. The money _ (be use) to help disabled people like me. 32.Thanks for _ _ _ (帮我解决困难)of trouble.佳作欣赏假设你是你们学校志愿者俱乐部的成员,你们12月份将进行一个“a City Parks Clean-Up Month”的志愿活动。你们当前的任务是,策划宣传计划,争取让更多的人知晓这次活动。要求条理分明,有针对性。A sampleBeing a volunteer is great! We are members of School Volunteer Clubs. We will have a outdoor volunteer activity in December . If you want to join us, please call us. It is a good experience for our teenagers to spend several hours helping other people every week. We will feel happy about helping others. What fun it is to be a volunteer! If you were a volunteer in our City Parks Clean-Up Month, what would you do? For example: I will also tell other people how to protect our environment . I can help clean the parks. Let other people enjoy the clean parks. I can also help them pick the paper, , and clean the grass In all, I will try my best to help them.
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