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Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived 目标1.掌握重点词汇:experience, imagine, strange, follow, amazing, kid.2.学会运用过去进行时进行阅读和口语对话练习。 重点本节课的重点词汇及含有过去进行时重点句型。我的问题难点运用过去进行时编写对话。自主学习一. 快速阅读3a这封电子邮件信息, 然后按正确顺序给这些图片编号。二再次详细阅读3a, 回答下面问题: When did the UFO land ? what was the writer doing ? What places did the alien go ? what did they do ? Did the alien buy any souvenirs in the shop? What did the writer do while the alien was in the museum ?三小组合作阅读3a,并完成下列内容: 1.有一个非常不寻常的经历_2.在星期天_ 3.沿着街走_4. 正好着陆在我前面_ 5.跟随某人做某事_ 6.走进一个礼品店_7.我很惊讶 _ 8.离开商店_9. 参观飞行博物馆 _ 10. 给电台打电话_ 11.你能想象一下那是多么奇怪呀! _! 12.太令人惊奇了! _! 精讲互动Language points:1follow: v._ adj:_ 下面的问题:_例: 别跟着我,我重要的事情要做。Dont _, I have _ to do.follow sb to do sth 是:_例: 她跟着我去图书馆。She followed me _.2You can imagine how strange it was! How strange it was! 是一个感叹句。 构成:3.I was very surprised at seeing him here. surprised 修饰: The news is surprising. surprising. 修饰:4. Isnt that amazing! amazing 修饰: I was amazed at/by his big mistake. amazed 修饰: 达标训练I. 用所给词的适当形式填空. 3. Im very amazed at the_(令人惊异的)news. 4.She wrote a lot about her_(经历) as a country teacher. 5. You cant _(想象)what he did just now.6. What an _(amaze) sight! 7. I often see Mrs. Green_(water) flowers in her garden. 8. When they came into the room, Jack and Mike _(read) books. 9. While I_(sing) an English song, he _(come) in. 10. What_ you_(do) at this time yesterday? 11. We _(listen) to the radio at 7:00 yesterday evening. II.单项选择( ) 1. He was sleeping late _ someone knocked on the door. A. when B. while C. as D. after ( ) 2. _ I was walking to school, I saw a cat climbing a tree. A. When B. While C. Before D. After ( ) 3. An alien got out _ the UFO and walked _ the street. A. off;on B. from;along C. of;down D. in;in ( ) 4. What were you doing at this time yesterday?I _. A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping D. sleeping ( ) 5. Seeing a UFO is a _ thing. A. amazing B. amazed C. amazement D. amaze ( ) 6. Yesterday he _ a new dictionary from the bookshop. A. buyed B. bought C. brought D. boughted ( ) 7. I was doing my homework at 9 oclock last night. Youre _. I saw you in the cinema. A. hard-working B. kiding C. kidding D. kidded ( ) 8. If you need some help, please _. A. ask for a policeman B. call the police C. ask police D. calling policeman作业小结
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