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IT专业英语词汇精选(L2) .ll3 LapLink III的相关文件格式后缀LLA Leased Line Adapter 租用线适配器LLA Long Line Adapter 长线适配器LLA Low Level Access 低电平接入LLA Low speed Line Adapter 低速线路适配器LLAP Local talk Link Access Protocol 本地聊天链路访问协议LLATMI Low Level ATM Interface 低级异步传输模式接口LLB Local LoopBack 本地回送LLC Line Link Connector 线路链路连接器LLC Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制LLC Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制协议LLC Low Layer Compatibility 低层兼容性LLCDU Logical Link Control Data Unit 逻辑链路控制数据单元LLCOF Land Line Communication Facilities 陆地线路通信设备LLD Low Level Driver 低电平驱动器LLE Large Local Exchange 本地大型交换机LLF Low Layer Function 低层功能LLG Logical Line Group 逻辑线路组LLI Local Line Interface 本地线路接口LLI Low Level Interface 低电平接口LLI Logical Link Identifier 逻辑链路标识符LLL Lawrence Livemore Laboratory 劳伦斯利弗莫尔实验室LLL Life Long Learning 终生学习LLL Low Level Language 初级语言LLL Low Level Logic 低电平逻辑(电路)LLLTV Low Light Level TeleVision 微光电视,低照度电视LLN Line Link Network 线路连接网LLOOP Local LOOP 本地环路LLP Low Level Protocol 低层结构协议(属于开放式系统结构)LLR Last Level Register 末级寄存器LLR Load Limiting Resister 负载限制电路LLRE Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment 月球激光测距试验LLS Learning Laboratory System 学习实验室系统LLS Low Level Selector 低电平选择器LLSU Low Level Signaling Unit 低电平信令装置LLT Low Level Terminal 低电平终端LM Language Module 语言模块LM Learning Machine 学习机LM Level Meter 电平表LM Library Material 程序库材料LM Line Memory 线路存储器LM Linear Modulation 线性调制LM Load Module 加载模块LM Load Monitor 加载监视器LM Local Memory 当地存储器LM Locked Memory 加锁内存LM Logic Module 逻辑模块,逻辑组件LM Loop Multiplexer 循环多路复用器LMA Loss of Multiframe Alignment 多帧校准损耗LMAE Layer Management Application Entity 层管理应用实体LMAL Least Minimum Acceptable Level 最低允许电平LMAO laugh my aoff 笑破肚皮网语LMB Left Mouse Button 鼠标器左按钮LMBCS Lotus Multi Byte Character Set 莲花公司的多字节字符集LMBI Local Memory Bus Interface 本地存储器总线接口LMC Line Marker Connector 线路标记连接器LMCS Local Multipoint Communications System 本地多点通信系统LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service 本地多点分布服务LMDT L Mastergroup Digital Terminal L形组群电路数字终端LME Layer Management Entity 层管理实体LME Layer Management Entry 层管理登录项LMF Language Media Format 语言媒质格式LMF Low and Medium Frequency 中低频LMI LAN Management Interface 局域网管理接口LKI Layer Management Interface 层管理接口LMI Linear Matrix Inequality 线性矩阵不等式LMI Local Management Interface 本地管理接口帧中继LMI Local Memory Image 本地存储器图像LMID Logical Module IDentifier 逻辑模块标识符LMLR Load Memory Lockout Register 装载存储器的封锁寄存器LMOS Loop Maintenance Operations System 循环维护操作系统LMP Load Micro Program 装入微程序LMS LAN Management System 局域网管理系统LMS Level Measuring Set 电平测量装置LMS Local Measured Service 本地标准服务LMS Lotus Messaging Switch 莲花公司的直接报文传送开关LMSI Layer Management Service Interface 层管理服务接口LMSS Land Mobile Satellite Service 地面移动卫星服务LMT Logical Mapping Table 逻辑映射表LMU LAN Management Utility 局域网管理工具LMU Line Monitor Unit 线路监控器LMX Local MultipleXer 本地多路复用器LN Location Number 位置编号LNA Logical Network Address 逻辑网络地址LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器LNC Low Noise Converter 低噪音转换器LND Local Number Dialing 本地拨号LNE Local Network Emulator 本地网络仿真器LNI Local Network Interface 本地网络接口.lnk .RTLink的链接器应答文件格式后缀LNM LAN Network Manager 局域网网络管理器(IBM的)LNM Logical Network Machine 逻辑网络机LNMF Logical Network Management Facility 逻辑网络管理设备LNN Lotus Notes Network 莲花公司的Notes群件网络LNNI LAN emulation Network Node Interface 局域网仿真网络节点接口LNNI LAN emulation Network to Network Interface 局域网仿真网络到仿真网络接口LNP Local Number Portability 本地编号的可移植性LNPN Lotus Notes for Public Network 用于公共网络的莲花公司Notes群件LNR Low Noise Receiver 低噪音接收机LNS Linked Numbering Scheme 连接性编号方案LNT Line Number Table 线路编号表LNTWP Low Noise Traveling Wave Tube 低噪音行波管LNX Local Network Exchange 本地网络交换机LO Line Occupancy 占线LO Local Oscillator 本机振荡器LO Lock On 锁住,自动跟踪LO Logical Operation 逻辑运算LOA Low speed Output Adapter 低速输出适配器LOB Large OBject 大型对象(包含文本、声音、图像和电视的数据库域)LOB Linear of Business 事务线性LOB Load Buffer Signal 加载缓冲器信号LOB Low Order Byte 低位字节LOC Line of Communication 通信线路LOC Linked Object Code 连接性对象代码LOCAL Logic Circuit Analyzer Language 逻辑电路分析器语言LOCAP LOw CAPacitance 低电容LOCATE Library of Congress Automation Techniques Exchange 国会图书馆自动化技术交换中心(美国)LOCD Large Optical Cavity Diode 大光腔二极管LOCI LOgarithmic Computing Instrument 对数计算器LOCMOS Locally Oxidized CMOS 局部氧化的互补性金属氧化物半导体LOCS LOgic and Control Simulation 逻辑与控制模拟LOD Level of Detail 详细级别LOD LOcation Dependent 从属位置.lod 加载文件格式后缀LOF Look ahead On Fault 故障预防LOF Loss Of Frame 帧丢失LOF Lowest Observable Frequency 最低可辨频率LOFAR LOw Frequency Acquisition and Ranging 低频捕获与测距LOFAR LOw Frequency Analysis Recording 低频分析记录LOFS LOopback File System 回送文件系统LOG Laplacian Of Gaussian 高斯调和量算子.log
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