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书 山 有 路Unit 7 Its raining!1.Would you please take a photo_me?A. in B.at C.on D.of2. -May I speak to Tina,please?-_A. Yes, I am Tina. B.Who are you? C.Yes,you may. D.Speaking,please.3. The kids have a great time_ photos on the farm.A. take B.takes C.to take D.taking4.Thank you for _me so many books.A. give B.giving C.is giving D.gives5. -How is the weather today?-_.A. Its winter B.Its windy C.I like it D.I hate it6.Tom wants to be a singer and he_singing lessons to do it.A.took B.has taken C.is taking D.was taking7.-How are you going,buddy?-_.A little busy,though.A. Not too bad B.Cant be worse C.On my own D.By train 8-Tom,where is Miss Li?-She_the students in the hallways.A. talks to B.is talks to C.is talking D.is talking with9. -Do you like swimming on a cold,rainy day?-_.Im afraid of cold.I think I will have a cold.A. Yes,I do B.No,I dont C.Yes,I like them D.No,I do10.Its going to rain.Youd better take an umbrella,_you may get wet.A.or B.and C.but 11.-Where is Thomas?-He left a_.A. information B.message C.news 12.Look!There are many people on the beach.They are_and happy.A.relaxed B.relaxing C.relaxes D.relax13.-Mum,where is Dad?-He _ a speech for tomorrows meeting.A. was preparing B.is preparing C.has prepared D.will prepare 14.Many students are playing sports in the playground._are playing soccer;_are running and jumping.A.Others;the others B.Some;other C.Some;others D.One;the other15.-Your sister doesnt get up early,does she?-_.But she gets up late on weekends.A. No,she doesnt B.Yes,she does C.No,she does D.Yes,she doesnt完形填空In many parts of China,spring is usually very _16_.It usually comes_17_February_18_March.Summer is very _19_.It lasts(持续)from May to July.The hottest(最热的)mouth is July.Autumn _20_ in August,and goes on to October.The weather can be quite_21_ in autumn.Winter lasts from November to January,and is very _22_.You _23_ to wear _24_warm clothes.The best time to _25_ to China is in spring or autumn.16.A.long B.hot C.short D.cold 17.A.on B.in C.at D.from18.A.to B.and C.but D.or 19.A.short B.hot C.bad D.nice20.A.comes B.is C.goes D.lasts21.A.warm B.hot C.cold D.cool22.A.cold B.short C.long D.good23.A.can B.need C.like D.tell24.A.much B.little C.lots of D.a lot 25.A.like B.come C.arrive D.haveUnit 8 Is there a post office near here?1.You cant turn right when you see the sign_.A. B. C. D.2.There _a desk,a bed and two chairs in the room.A.has B.have C.is D.are3.-Thank you for your help!-_.A. Good morning B.You are welcome C.Fine,thank you D.Nice to meet you4. Just go straight and turn _.The hotel is _.A. right;right B.right;on the right C.on the right;right D.right;to the right 5. The old man is a good swimmer ,and even now he often swims _Tuo jiang River after supper.A. over B. through C. to D. across6. -Excuse me.Where is the nearest(最近的)hospital? -Go_the road,and then turn left_ the first turning.A. down ;on B. across;on C.along;at D.along;across7.We enjoyed_in the park yesterday.A.us B.our C.ourselves 8.An old man wants to buy a hat.He should go to a_.A.library B.bank C.bookstore D.clothes store 9.Most students spend too much time _computer games.A.playing B.play C.plays D.played 10.-Do you often get online?-Yes.I_lots of time on it.Its a good way to kill time.A. cost B.spend C.take D.use11. -Excuse me.Could you tell me the way_the nearest supermarket?-Go down the street and turn left.Then youll see it.A. to B.of C.in D.at12. -Excuse me.Can you tell me_I can get to the past office?-Take the subway.A. how B.what C.when D.where 13. Walk _this street.Youll find the school_the park.A. down; in the front of B.along; in the front of C.along; in front of D.away ;in front of14. -Excuse me.Is the museum far from here?-No,its about_.A.5 minutes walk B.5 minute walk C.5 minutes walk D.5 minutes walk 完形填空 Welcome_16_ the zoo,everyone!Here is our tour plan._17_carefully.First we will _18_the Childrens Zoo.After that , we will walk _19_the Bird World.Next is the African Area._20_ are elephants and lions! Dont _21_ afraid;the cages are safe. There,we will have _22_lunch.Everybody brought your lunch , right?Some of you dont have drinks.There are many places _23_drinks. After lunch,we will go to the Asian Area.Last,we will go to t
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