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论文题目 A Study of English Majors Business Etiquette Competence in Dalian Neusoft Institute of InformationA Study of English Majors Business Etiquette Competence in Dalian Neusoft Institute of InformationBy Supervisor: Northeastern University Neusoft Institute of InformationMay 2011毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目:东软英语专业学生商务礼仪能力的调查研究设计(论文)的基本内容:本文通过问卷调查方法,探讨我校英语专业学生的商务礼仪知识现状,通过分析和总结,使大学生们能更好地理解商务礼仪学习的重要性,同时,为我校开展商务礼仪教学和加强学生的商务礼仪能力与培养提供一定的依据。毕业设计(论文)专题部分:题目:_设计或论文专题的基本内容:学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期 第 1 周指导教师签字:2010年12月3日A Study of English Majors Business Etiquette Competence in Dalian Neusoft Institute of InformationAbstractChinese people have always been well-known as the nation of ceremonies. During the historical evolution of Chinese culture, etiquette plays a positive driving role. With the growth of Chinas international status and exchanges, Chinese students are likely to face the opportunity of communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds. While during the process of social contact at home and abroad, for those students who majored in business English should not only have the necessary professional knowledge and language skills, but have to understand the international practice and learn the rules and norms of how to socialize with others in harmony, which is , often called, business etiquette. The good business etiquette can help to establish a good personal image, specify our daily social behaviors, and also enable enterprises obtain more business opportunities. Therefore, the study of business etiquette and its cultivation cannot be ignored.My study, through a questionnaire, explores the Neusoft English majors current understanding of business etiquette. Through the analysis, we can understand the importance of business etiquette, the role of business etiquette study and the positive effect of social adaptability brought from business etiquette. Thus, it provides the certain basis for developing our schools business etiquette teaching and strengthening our students business etiquette ability and cultivation. It also has the real value for the school to cultivate and achieve high-quality and application-oriented talents in the future.This paper is divided into five parts, introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, and the conclusion. The first part is the introduction of this research. The second part mainly introduces the theory and previous studies related to this field. The third part is to introduce the methodology used in this investigation.The forth part, through data analysis, discusses the Neusoft English majors understanding of business etiquette. The last part summarizes the main findings and points out the implications and limitations of this study.Key words: business etiquette, Neusoft English majors, investigation, ability and cultivation东软英语专业学生商务礼仪能力的调查研究摘 要 我国民族素有礼仪之邦的美誉。在中华文化的历史演进过程中,礼仪有着积极的推动作用。随着我国日益提高的国际地位和日趋频繁的国际交往,大学生将有可能面临与来自不同文化背景的人进行交际的需要。在这种国内外社会交往的过程中,对于那些英语专业商务方向的大学生来说,他们除了应具备必要的专业知识和语言技能外,还必须了解国际惯例和掌握如何与他人和谐交往的法则和规范,那就是:商务礼仪。学习好商务礼仪会帮助我们树立良好的个人形象,规范我们日常社交的行为,也能为企业带来更多的商业机会。因此,大学生商务礼仪的学习及其培养不容忽视。我的研究是通过问卷调查的方法,集中探讨东软英语专业学生的商务礼仪知识现状。通过分析,我们能够了解商务礼仪的重要性,商务礼仪学习的意义、以及商务礼仪对大学生社会适应能力起到的积极作用。进而为我校开展商务礼仪教学,和加强学生的商务礼仪能力与培养提供一定的依据。同样,为我校在今后培养和实现高素质,应用型人才起到真正价值意义。论文分为五部分,简介,文献综述,方法论,结果和讨论,以及结论。第一部分是简介,第二部分介绍相关理论知识和在此领域的以往研究,第三部分介绍了这个研究所带来的方法,第四部分是通过数据分析东软英语专业学生的商务礼仪知识现状,最后一部分是做出总结并提出了该文章的启示和局限性。关键词:商务礼仪,东软英语专业学生,调查研究,能力与培养AcknowledgementsFrom thesis choosing to material collecting, from paper writing to repeated modification, during these several months, I have been through joy, confusion, distress and sadness, my feeling is so complicated in the process of this paper writing. Now, with the completion of this graduation paper, it means that my college life is coming to an end. Besides my own efforts, the teachers earnest instruction, classmates and friends suggestions, and my parents support are all my energy source of finishing my paper.First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Yang Yang sincerely. She is an easy-going, enthusiastic, and careful person. From thesis choosing to thesis setting, from content to format, from the design of framework, layout of structure to the repeated modification and polishing on my paper, Ms.Yang has always been guiding me so carefully and professionally. She helped me to develop my thought and encouraged me continuously. She gave me rational recommendations and considerate advice. Due to her selfless help, I finished my paper so fast with fruitful results. Here I show my sincere gratitude to her.At the same time, I want to say thank-you to my dear classmates and friends! The smooth completion of my paper cannot leave their concern and help. Throughout the paper writing, my classmates and friends helped me to search materials and cooperate with
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