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名师整理 助你成功 2020 届二轮复习定语从句单句语法填空 1 My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid 1980s I was the first Western TV reporter 2 Simon is a comedian and actor has 10 years experience of teaching comedy 3 Frank Hurley a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic was hired to make the images most of have never before been published 4 Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius lived from roughly 551 to 479 B C influenced the development of chopsticks 5 When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team That meant beating out Miller King was the best player at our school 6 I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise 7 I prefer to work in black and white allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly 8 Researchers have discovered that night milk contains more melatonin 褪黑激素 has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety 9 The dishes what I cooked were Mom s favorite 名师整理 助你成功 10 Many young people most of were well educated headed for remote regions to chase their dreams 11 Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears none of has been proved 12 The number of smokers is reported has dropped by 17 percent in just one year 13 It is a truly delightful place looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages 14 Creating an atmosphere in employees feel part of a team is a big challenge 15 He wrote many children s books nearly half of were published in the 1990s 16 The books on the desk covers are shiny are prizes for us 17 Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon school education depends 18 China Today attracts a worldwide readership shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China 19 The exact year Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008 20 I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week my classmates recommended to me 名师整理 助你成功 21 A company profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad 22 We ll reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginning of the year 23 Until now we have raised 50 000 pounds for the poor children is quite unexpected 24 Please send us all the information you have about the candidate for the position 25 Opposite is St Paul s Church you can hear some lovely music 26 As the smallest child of his family Alex is always longing for the time he should be able to be independent 27 The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere his employees enjoy their work 28 The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication especially at work a good impression is a must 29 Students should involve themselves in community activities they can gain experience for growth 30 I didn t become a serious climber until the fifth grade I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree 31 Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb 28 emperors once lived 名师整理 助你成功 32 Water rafting courage plays an important role is a breathtaking outdoor sport 33 He worked in a car factory for four years after he founded his own company in his hometown 34 The stadium is very splendid and attractive in appearance may be imagined 35 Now their talks have reached a key stage one side must give in to the other 36 He wrote a long letter he explained what had happened in the accident 37 We are hoping for support from Mr Webster without support we can t make it 38 Jane paused in front of a counter some attractive ties were on display 39 He desired to follow that girl but longed for the woman spirit had truly accompanied and supported him 40 Maybe you have a habit is driving your family crazy 41 Nick s guests had heard their conversation asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could 42 However there are times urgent things are most important as well for example helping a crying baby in the kitchen due to the fire stove 名师整理 助你成功 43 The people of Chu mourned Qu s death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the day of his death 44 Once upon a time there was a rich merchant had 4 wives 45 In the following years there were fewer drop outs and more college graduates in my village I am proud of even today 46 The lazy boy is expecting a way in he can get through the exams without hard work 47 The boss company I worked in two years ago has much experience in solving such kind of problem 48 So I decided to leave home for New York I might have a better chance to find a good job 49 Third we may fall behind others makes us stressed 50 All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl smile just melted me 参考答案与解析 1 when 由句子结构可以判断这是一个定语从句 先行词是表 示时间的in the mid 1980s 从句中缺少状语 因此填写关系副词 when 2 who that 考查定语从句的关系代词 先行词是a comedian and actor 在从句中做主语 所以用who 或者 that 名师整理 助你成功 3 which 考查定语从句 介词后跟关系代词 先行词为 images 所以用 which 4 who 考查定语从句 后面是非限制性定语从句 先行词指 人 故用 who 5 who 考
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