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一般将来时 讲解及练习题 will 一 填空 我打算明天和朋友去野炊 I haveapicnicwithmyfriendstomorrow I haveapicnicwithmyfriendstomorrow 下个星期一你打算去干嘛 我打算去打篮球 What nextMonday I playbasketball am going to are you going to do am going to 3 你妈妈这个周末准备去做什么 她准备去买一些水果 yourmothergoing thisweekend goingto somefruit 4 麦克今天晚上准备做什么 他准备去看电影 Whatgoingtodo istogotothecinema What is to do buy is She is Mike tonight He going 一般将来时的定义 一般将来时表示在将来时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态 与表示将来的时间连用 tomorrow nextday week month year thismorning thisafternoon tonight等 如 Sheisgoingtovisithergrandparentstonight 一般将来时有两种构成形式 1 主语 begoingto do 2 主语 will shall do如 Sheisgoingtovisithergrandparentstonight Shewillvisithergrandparentstonight 注意 将要 将要 应该 二 改写同义句 1 Iamgoingtotakeatripthisweekend 2 Heisgoingtoseeafilmwithhisfriend 3 AmywillgotoShenzhennextweek Iwilltakeatripthisweekend Hewillseeafilmwithhisfriend AmyisgoingtoShenzhennextweek 三 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Todayisasunnyday We have apicnicthisafternoon 2 Mybrother go toShanghainextweek 3 Tomoften go toschoolonfoot Buttodayisraining he go toschoolbybike 4 Helikes play football 5 WhatarePeter s hobby 6 Doyouoften watch TVontheweekend aregoingtohave isgoingtogo goes isgoing playing hobbies watch 四 写写作作 寒假快来了 你准备或打算寒假去做什么呢 写一篇不少于5句话的小作文和我们分享一下吧 以MyWinterHoliday为题 开头结尾已给出 不计入总数 MyWinterHolidayWinterholidayiscoming Iamsohappy Iamgoingto Thisismyholiday Howaboutyou takeatripwithmyparents WearegoingtoShenzhen Wearegoingbycar Wearegoingtothezoo Wearegoingtoseeafilm
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