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Unit5 必考知识点汇编1. She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend, but she doesnt have any. 她想和一位外国朋友练习英语,但是她没有外国朋友。(教材第66页) 中考链接关于practice知识点考查(2020 绥化中考)What do you usually do in the morning?I often practice _ English.A. speak B. to speak C. speaking【答案】C.【解析】句意为“早上你通常做什么?”“我经常练习说英语”。practice doing sth.练习做某事,故选C。2. Can I speak to Jenny, please?请找詹妮接电话好吗?(教材第66页) 中考链接关于Can/May I speak to.?知识点考查(2020 昆明中考)一May I speak to Robert?_.A. I am Robert B. Speaking, please C. Its 78345190 D. He is Robert【答案】B.【解析】May I speak to.?表示“请找接电话好吗?”当接电话者是本人时,可用This is.speaking.或Speaking, please.回答,故选B。3. My cousin, Li Jing, would you like to speak to you.我的表妹,李静想和你说话。(教材第66页) 中考链接关于would like to do sth.知识点考查(2020 宾州中考)一Would you like _ camping with me?I d like to. But Im busy _ my homework.A. to go, to doB. to go, doing C. going, to do.D. going, doing【答案】B.【解析】would like to do sth.想要做某事;be busy doing sth忙于做某事。故选B。4. Its all thanks to you.这全归功于你。(教材第68页) 中考链接关于thank to知识点考查(2020 巴中中考)Thanks _ Mr. Hu, we have learnt many English songs.A. forB.atC.to【答案】C.【解析】句意为“多亏了胡先生,我们学习了许多英文歌曲”,可知用thanks to,故选C。5. And just one word, like “Go” can be a sentence.并且仅仅一个词,像“Go”可以是一个句子。(教材第70页) 中考链接关于情态动词知识点考查(2020 黔西南中考)Is the man over there Mr. Brown?It _ be him. He has gone to Brazil to watch the 2020 FIFA World Cup.A.may notB.cantC.shouldntD.mustnt【答案】B.【解析】由答语后句的“他去巴西看2020世界杯了”可知“那个男人一定不是布朗先生”,故用cant be一定不是,故选B。6. Can you ask him to call me later?你能让他晚点给我打电话吗?(教材第72页) 中考链接关于ask知识点考查(2020 聊城中考)Jackie asked me _ anything.A.not touchB.not touchedC.not touchingD.not to touch【答案】D.【解析】ask sb. not to do sth要求某人不要做某事,故选D。7. I have no brothers or sisters, but I have many friends.我没有兄弟姐妹,但是我有许多的朋友。(教材第76页) 中考链接关于or知识点考查(2020 赤峰中考)Hurry up, _ youll be late for school.A. butB.andC.orD.then【答案】C.【解析】句意为“快点,否则你会上学迟到”可知用连词or,表示“否则”,故选C。8. Learning English opens world up to me.学习英语向我打开了世界的大门。(教材第76页) 中考链接关于open up知识点考查(2020 烟台中考)Learning Chinese really _ my mind to the Chinese world.A. call upB. turned up C. opened upD. made up【答案】C.【解析】call up打电话;turn up调大(音量);open up打开;make up组成;句意为“学习汉语真的打开了我对汉语世界的思想”,故选C。9. Im looking towards to your rely.我期待着你的回复。(教材第76页) 中考链接关于look forward to知识点考查(2020 梅州中考)Paul looks forward to _ his pen pal as soon as possible.A. meets B.meet C. meeting D. met【答案】C.【解析】look forward to期待做某事,to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词形式,故选C。
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