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7B Unit6基础知识及拓展1、 单选1. -What about_a film this Sunday? -Good idea!Let me book(预定)the tickets on the Internet. A.watching B.to watch C.looking at D.to see2. -_!Or we wont get there on time. -Im too tired to go any further. A.Dont worry B.Hurry up C.Sorry D.Quickly3. -Let me help you_the bag. -No,thanks.I can do it by myself. A.bring B.take C.get D.carry4. You mustnt feed goldfish_at a time. A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too5. I like_to the music.I would like_a new CD. A.listening;to buy B.to listen;buying C.listening;buying D.to listen;to buy6. The light goes out.Theres darkness_us. A.all among B.beside C.in D.all around7. If I can_from my work,Ill go to Nanjing with you next Sunday. A.get away B.take away C.leave D.be8. It happened_a hot summer afternoon. A.at B.in C.on D./ 9. I saw them_a hot summer afternoon. A.play B.playing C.to play D.played 10. Dont run_a ca.Its dangerous. A.into B.after C.out of D.across11. One of the popular expressions in 2020_“positive energy”. A.is B.are C.was D.were12. The cake_delicious.I cant wait to eat it. A.feels B.sounds C.becomes D.smells13. -Lets go on a picnic this weekend,OK?-That sounds_. A.great B.well C.hardly D.terribly14. Its_to listen to light music when you feel tired. A.dangerous B.scary C.relaxing D.difficult15. My bike is broken,Could you help me to_? A.fix it up B.set it up C.make it up D.put it up16. Oh,you are here.I_you came back. A.dont know B.didnt know C.havent known D.wont know17. The old lady didnt know_when the house caught fire. A.how to do B.how to do it C.what to do D.what to do it18. Whats wrong with the orange?It_like medicine. A.is tasting B.is tasted C.tastes D.tasted19. Our country is becoming_. A.strong and strong B.more strong and strong C.more stronger and stronger D.stronger and stronger20. -Mr Zhang,must I come again on Saturday morning to clean the windows? -No,you_.I have asked others to do it. A.dont have to B.mustnt C.cant D.shouldnt2、 词汇运用(一空一词)1. Mary always_(抱怨)that her boss gives her too much work.2. The hotel has an_(户外的)swimming pool.3. If you_(匆忙),youll get there in time.4. It was quite a large fish about_(那么)long.5. It happened in the eleventh_(世纪).6. How can you be so_(激动的)about a stupid computer game?7. Im going out to get some w_ for the fire.8. Which p_ of history are you studying?9. It was a beautiful day-we had a p_ by the river.10. He couldnt_(决定)what to do.11. Doctors_(失败)to save the girls life.12. He noticed two policemen coming t_him.13. Can you r_the apples over there?3、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. All the doors and windows are_(lock)from the outside.2. The little girl is afraid to go out_(lonely)at night.3. A large tree in our backyard_(fall)down during the storm.4. Mr.Black invited Kitty to go for a _(ride)in his new car.5. Jack_(pass)my gate every morning when he goes to school.6. She learned English all by_(she)last year.7. I _(not have)the key,so I couldnt get into the room.8. -Where_you_(go)last weekend? -We_(go)to Nanjing Museum.9. -How_(do)you_(go)to the zoo last Sunday? -My father_(take)us to the zoo by car.10. -Dad,where is my basketball? -I_(see)it on your bed and I_(put)it in the box over there a moment ago.11. Mary_(not swim)with her sister at the youth centre yesterday afternoon.12. We_(stop)to listen to the man,but_(hear)nothing.13. They_(be)very surprised to find him alone in the old house at that time.along ; impolite ; set up ; south ; the first ; took care of4、 选词填空
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