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课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?(第 3课时)【学习目标】 课标要求:1学会单词:evening homework afternoon。 in the eveningin the afternoon do( ones )homework go home2.掌握并灵活运用下列句子:When do people usually eat dinner? People usually eat dinner in the evening. When dose Tom usually get up? He usually gets up at six oclock3.能用频率副词谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息时间。目标达成:学习重点:词汇 ,词组 和句型的应用。学习难点:学会用所学的知识进行口语表达,自由谈论自己的作息时间。学习流程: 【课前展示】复习句子及短语长时间工作 刷牙 乘17路汽车 整个晚上喜欢听他的 到家吃晚餐是多么愉快的时光。他乘20路汽车去旅馆。人们喜欢听他的。他在7:00钟到家。【创境激趣】预习2a和2b听力材料,为听力做准备。 预习2C,就Tom的作息时间为上课做对话做准备。自学导航】人们通常什么时候吃晚餐? 人们通常晚上吃晚餐。Tom通常什么时候吃晚餐?Tom通常晚上吃晚餐【合作探究】阅读1a2c,写出下列词组或翻译在上午 在下午 在晚上做作业 起床 吃早餐 【展示提升】 典例分析 知识迁移阅读1a2c,写出下列词组或翻译在上午 在下午 在晚上做作业 起床 吃早餐 2.汉译英take a shower eat dinner eat lunchgo to school go to bed go home一、完成句子:1.你什么时间上学?_2. 他父亲通常在6:10分回家。_3. 你想了解我早晨的情况吗?_4. 现在是下午四点整。_二、句型转换1、He eats breakfast at 7:00. (变为一般疑问句)_ he _ breakfast at seven o clock?2、She gets home at 7:00. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ home?3、Is it 9:00 now? (作肯定回答)_.【强化训练】阅读以下短文,填写Jack通常在以下几个时间做什么Jack usually gets up at 7 oclock. He does morning exercises for about twenty minutes, takes a long shower, has a big breakfast and goes to work at 8 oclock. He usually drives his car to work and gets to his office at 8:30. He often has lunch at 12 o clock in the office with his friend. He goes home at 6:30 in the evening. Then he eats dinner with his family at 19:00, and watches TV at 19:55. He usually goes to bed at 22:30. 四.从B栏中选出A栏相应的答语。A栏 B栏( ) 66. Whats the time now? A. By bus( ) 67. When do you usually leave home? B. The boy in yellow( ) 68. Happy New Year to you. C. Hes well( ) 69. Where are my bags? D. No. 7( ) 70. Whats in the tree ? E. At 7:00( ) 71. Whats in the number? F. The same to you( ) 72. How much coffee do you have? G. On the bed( ) 73. Who is your cousin? H. 6:30( ) 74. How is your father? I. Just two cups( ) 75. How does he go to work? J. Some birds【归纳总结 】本节课我们重点讲述了时间表达法的问答,联系了频度副词的用法,运用了通常几点钟做某事的句型,还进一步深化了日常号习惯的养成。【板书设计】 Unit2:What time do you go to school?When does scott go to work?He always goes to work at 11.What time does your best friend get up?【教学反思】
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