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Could you please clean your room【学习目标】1.掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇rubbish fold sweep floor mess2.重点短语sweep the floor, work on, finish doing, take out the rubbish3.听懂“请求做家务活动”的相关话题及文章;学会有礼貌地提出请求和请求准许.【自主学习】I自主学习本课(1a-2d)完成下列练习1.My mother told me to_(打扫) the floor every day.2. Dont put your answer on the chair._(折叠) it and put it on the bed.3. Jack, can you help me c_ the living room?4. What a m_ you made! Youd better clean it up before Mum gets home.5. Lets t_ out the rubbish and put it in the trash bin.II短语1._ _洗餐具 2. _ 倒垃圾3. fold the clothes_ 4.sweep the floor _5.make your/the bed _ 6._打扫客厅7._没问题 8. _ 出去吃饭9. stay out late _ 10.go to the movies _11. get a ride_ 12.work on_13. _做完某事 14._干净又整洁【合作探究】知识点探讨,在课文中标出知识点出处,并总结重点知识,并和全班交流。1Could you please? could aux.表示委婉语气,礼貌地提出请求“请你可以吗?” 肯定回答:Certainly./Of course./With pleasure/No problem.否定:Sorry, I cant./Sorry, Im afraid I cant.2.take out the rubbish倒垃圾 take out “把拿出去” v.+adv.结构,接代词需放两者中间 take it out中考常考:turn on/off / up/down ; put on ;take off; cut up; put off ;try on试穿 mix up混合;pick up捡起 上一单元我们还学过哪些动副结构的短语?_3.rubbish un.垃圾 fold v. 折叠 unfold 展开 sweep pt. swept 打扫 floor n.地板,楼层4.help out 帮忙 help sb.out帮助某人解决难题 help out with sth.帮忙处理某事5.I think two hours of TV is enough for you!我认为两个小时的电视对你来说足够了!主谓一致:One and a half hours is enough. 一个半小时足够了。One of my favorite sports is basketball.我最喜欢的一项运动时篮球。【小结】谓语动词与主语要在人称和数上保持一致。Two months_ a long holiday. 两个月是一个长假。Twenty kilos _so heavy. 2 0公斤并不太重。People here _ very friendly. 这儿的人很友好。6.And she wont be happy if she sees this mess. 如果她看到乱成这样,她会不高兴的。mess/mes /n.肮脏;杂乱;不整洁 The room was in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。“What a mess !” she said after the party. 聚会后她说:“真是一片狼藉!”make a mess弄脏;搞成一团糟7.any minute now 一种常见的口语表达法,相当于“随时;马上;在任何时刻”的意思,表示事情有可能在极短的时间内发生或眼下就要发生。minute还可以用second, moment, time等词替换。e.g. Dont worry, he will come here any minute now.别担心, 他会马上来这儿。 【达标测评】I. 根据句意、汉语意思和首字母提示完成句子。1.The children are picking up the r_(垃圾)in the river.2.Children often help s_(打扫)the rooms in the old peoples home.3.There are some dirty clothes on the f_(地板)in his bedroom.4.Toms room is really in a m_(不整洁).5.-Mary, could you help f_(折叠)the clothes? -Yes, sure.II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The boy needs _(sweep) the floor after school.2. Two years_(be) a long time for me.3. Could you please _(fold) your clothes after dinner, Mary?4. When he finished _(read) the book, his eyes were already full of tears.5. My brothers is to wash the_(dish) in a restaurant.III.单项选择( )1.-Could you please sweep the floor? -_.Im busy babysitting my sister.A. Sorry, I cant B. Yes, sure C. Yes, I can D. take care of( )2.-Ted, could you please _ the trash. -Of course, Mom.A. take after B. take off C. take out D. take care of( )3. Your room is in _ mess now. Why not clean it up every morning? A.a B. an C.the D./( )4. Two days _ too long. You only have the time of a day. A. has B. last C. is D. are( )5. -Could you please clean the living room? - _. A. Yes, I could. B. Yes, sure. C. No, I dont. D. Sorry, I couldnt.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. Linda often helps her mother_ _ _(洗餐具)after dinner.2. Jack, remember to_ _ _(整理床铺)after you get up.3.-Could I_ _ _(搭便车)to the center of the city? -Certainly, pleae get into the car.4.We cant_ _ _(在外面待到很晚)on weekdays.5.-Lucy, have you finished_ _ _ _(打扫客厅)?-Sorry, Ill do it at once.【反思】
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