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Have you read Treasure Island 【学习目标】A)英汉互译1.对感兴趣 _ 2.我才喝过茶_ 3.我看过这个电影_4.science and technology _ _ _ 5.love to imagine_ _ 6.finish reading_ _ 7.the number of people in the band_ 8. sounds more like rock _ _ _ B)重点句型1.Have you heard of them yet ? _2.It will make me up and make me happy for the rest of the day. _ _ _ _ _ 3.我已经看完那本书了。 _4.鲁滨孙用船建了他的房子_【自主学习】任务1:学习新单词 任务2:根据要求完成1a任务3: 听录音独立完成1b和1c 任务4:对话练习1d【合作探究】探究一 现在完成时态的构成。探究二 现在完成时态的用法探究三 现在完成时态与一般过去时态的区别辨析探究四 towards与 to.1. towards 只表示“向着某个方向”,没有到达之意。 eg. She walked towards the river.她朝着那条河走去2. to 常跟在动词go, come, return, move等之后,表示“向,往”,有”到达”之意。eg. He moved to Beijing last year.去年他搬到了北京探究五 Signs left behind by someone or something 某人或某物留下的标记 Leave behind 留下,遗忘;忘记携带.,是固定短语。试填空1). He likes borrowing things _me , but he doesnt always return them _ to me on time. 他爱借我的东西,但总是不按时还。2). The house faces_ the north. 这所房子朝北。3).He extended his right hand _ me. 他向我伸出了右手。4). He doest want to_ anything _ . 他不想留下任何东西。5). Both of us /We both_our umbrellas _.= We _ to bring our umbrellas.我俩都忘带伞了。【达标测评】根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A:Lets go somewhere to relax ourselves this evening. B:I dont think so.C:Well, its better to take an umbrella with us.D:It seems that its going to rain.E:That sounds good.F:What will we have for supper?G:Which cinema shall we go to, UME or CROSS.A:Hi, Vera. We are too tired recently. _1_B:OK.Where would you like to go?A:Some new films are on this week.Shall we go to The cinema? B:_2_Which film would you like to see?A:Let me look through the newspaper. ErHow about Coming Home?B:Yeah, I have heard of it. Its so moving. _3_ A:Cross is a little far. Lets go to UME.B:Good. But look at the sky! _4_A:Yes. The newspaper says itll be rainy tonight.B:_5_A:The film will begin in two hours. We can go there after supper. B:Yes.【反思】
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