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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.第2课时Section A2 学习目标 1. 掌握情态动词must, might, could, cant的用法;2. 学会用情态动词表达能力、客观可能性以及请求、允许、猜测和征求对方的意见。3.熟练掌握下列短语: nervous or worried_ area where people live _ young people _ animal like a very large dog _ person in the next house _ person who makes noise _4.掌握下列句型:A: Whose volleyball is this?B: It must be Carlas .She loves volleyball.A: Whose hair band is this?B: It could be Meis hair band ,or it might belong to Linda. They both have long hair.A: What did you see that night ?B: Im not sure , but it cant be a dog. It was bigger. I think it might be a bear or a wolf.学习重点 了解电影的种类及对不同种类电影的看法及重点词汇在定语从句的运用。 学习难点 学会用情态动词表达能力、客观可能性以及请求、允许、猜测和征求对方的意见。一、预习课本,找出下列短语和句子:1. 几乎每个人都互相认识 _2. 过去这是个非常宁静的地方 _3. 不寻常的事情正在发生 _ 4. 被采访 _5. 听到奇怪的声音 _ 6. 一定是青少年在开心的玩 _7. 有可能是风 _ 8. 可能会是什么呢? _9. 看见有东西逃跑 _ 10. 它太大了不可能是狗 _11. 感到不安 _ 12. 大家都有自己的想法 _13. 一定有什么东西在光顾我们家 _14. 享受制造恐惧带来的乐趣 _15. 制造噪音的人 _ 16. 咳嗽的厉害 _二、知识点讲解:1. noise, sound与voice三者都与“声音”有关。noise指声音、噪音、喧闹声,指不悦耳的、不和谐的嘈杂声、喧闹声或任何令人讨厌的声音。sound指声音、音响,其含义最广,指人能听到的任何声音,包括大的、小的、好听的、难听的、有意义的和无意义的。voice指说话声、歌唱声、电台声音、鸟叫声等。当你在图书馆时不要制造任何噪音。Dont _ any _ when you are in the library.2. There be +主语+ doing something 有某人/某物正在做某事情态动词must用在there be句型中表推测,意为“一定有”。There be句型中的动名词形式,一般认为是作定语,修饰there be句型的主语,相当于一个定语从句。(1)有些男生正在操场上踢足球。There are some boys _ football on the playground. = There are some boys who _ _ football on the playground.(2) 我们学校下个月将有一个演讲。 going to a speech next month. (3) 过去村子里有棵大树。There a big tree in the village.3. 【辨析】think of, think about, think over与think outthink of 考虑,想起 think about 考虑,回想,想起 think over仔细想,谨慎思考 think out想通,想出【注意】think of和think about这两个短语表示“考虑,对有某种看法”时,可以互换。(1) 他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。He is _ _ traveling in the summer holidays.(2) 请仔细考虑一下我说的话。Please _ _ what I said.(3) 我一时想不起他的名字。I cant _ _ his name at the moment.三、学以致用:(每题2分)1. At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the _ of the running water. A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound2. I feel uneasy _ my health. A. on B. in C. for D. about3. There _ great changes in Kunming since 2020. A. have had B. have C. have been D. has been4. Luckily, nothing _ (value) was _ (steal).5. She woke from an _ (easy) sleep to find the house empty.
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