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2011届高三英语高考考前辅导一、调整心态,静心复习考生首先应该认识到,几乎所有考生,包括成绩极好的考生,在高考前都会有些紧张。因此,不用恐慌,害怕,应避免急躁的情绪,静下心来,一如既往地扎实复习。高考的成功: 平日是基础,复习是关键。二、调整计划,依序进行(一)听力精,泛结合。每天参加一次学校组织的精听。在听力训练过程中,必须抓住以下几点:1、细节的把握,包括三方面,即数字,时间,日期的计算和推算;2、从多个连续发生的事件中提取事实性的信息;3、根据细节内容推断人物间的关系,谈话者所处的场所及谈话的方式;4、根据谈话细节对说话者立场,态度,观点的推断;5、中心,主题的把握。识别关键词的技巧:透露说话人身份的关键词。透露地点场合的关键词捕捉数字。速记技巧:许多材料中涉及数字,如年代、日期、价格、数量、并且会以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、百分数等形式出现,有的听力题中还设置简单的计算,所以要求学生熟悉各种数字形式并弄清其间关系,如:减价20% off; special offer, special price, 25% discount, sale原价:regular price, normal price增长:10% increase in, 1/3 climb in sth., 下降: 10 decrease / fall in.打七折at a 30% discount,one third off the normal price注意点1:速记速算,快速捕捉信息 把有关数字记准,并进行快速计算,马上就得出答数来。要避免在数字和运算上耽误过多时间。如:At what time does the train to Leeds leave? A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00此听力的原文为: W: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester is? M: Sure. Well, its 3 now. The next train to Manchester leaves in 2 hours. But you can take trains to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes, and then get off at Manchester because it stops in Manchester on the way.解析:从男士所说的话“Well, its 3 now.”和“ But you can take trains to Leeds which leaves in 15 minutes,”可计算出答案为B.3:15。注意点2:否定和虚拟语气否定和虚拟语气是听力中的难点。句子是肯定还是否定? 如果是否定,是部分否定还是全部否定? 如果没听准,理解起来就会有很大出入。如: What can we learn from the dialogue? A. The man didnt want the woman to have her hair cut. B. The woman followed the mans advice. C. The woman is wearing long hair now. 此听力的原文为: W: I wish my hair were longer. M: Yes, pity you had it cut. If only youd listened to me.解析:答话中If only后面的从句用的是 “had listened”,表示与过去事实相反。因此,符合题意的选项为A项(二)单项填空。对于单项填空题考生要注意几点:1、动词的时态与语态; 2、句子结构; 3、词语的习惯搭配; 4、句子与句子之间的逻辑关系; 5、特殊句型; 6、词汇意义辨析; 7、英语交际。例如:1. Who would you rather _the English Speech Contest? Li Ping, I think, is the best choice.A. have attend B. attend C. have attend D. attending 分析:A. 本题采用结构还原法,即把疑问句还原成陈述句。You would rather _who _the English Speech Contest.分析还原后的陈述句句子结构,先弄清“宁可”句式的表达结构,即是would rather do sth.中的rather 后接动词原形have.其次,受实义动词have用法的制约,其句式为:have sb to do.2. Being a little boy, he can be _ fun _excited at first sight.A. had; be B. making; of being C. had; to be D. made; of to be分析:D.考查被动语态的用法,即把被动句还原成主动句:As he is a little boy, we can make fun of him to be excited at first sight.3. The little boy returned home, _nose bleeding.A. that B. which C. whose D. his分析:D.考查独立主格结构的用法。4. It will be 4 years _she graduates.A. when B. before C. that D. since分析: B. 该句应是It will be +时间+before句型,意为“过多长时间才/还有多长时间就”主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。5.It has been 4 years _she graduated.A. when B. before C. that D. since分析:D. 该句应是 It has been +时间+since句型,意为“自从.时间以来,已有时间了”。6_for years, many windows can hardly let in any light.A. Not having been cleaned B. Having not been cleaned C. Not having cleaned D. Not to have been cleaned分析:A. 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:这里许多窗户多年没有擦洗了,几乎没有阳光照进来。通过对全句句法结构的分析与推断可知,该空白处应是现在分词的完成被动式的否定形式。7They must be discussing the question mentioned at the meeting,_?A. are they B. arent they C. must they D. mustnt they分析:B. 考查反义疑问句。因该句中must 表示对正在进行的情况的肯定推测,附加疑问凝聚部分的动词形式应根据must 后面的动词形式确定,故此处选B.8A special dinner there might include Chinese pork dish, British roast beef and French-style vegetables. Boiled rice _just about everything.Ais served with B. will serve C. serves with D.is served分析:A. 考查动词的时态与语态。语境表明此处应用一般现在时,不管什么菜都供应米饭,应接介词with.9You are not quite fir for this kind of work. _, you may leave right now.A. If I may say so B. Briefly C. If you dont mind D. Lucky for you分析:A. 考查句子之间的逻辑关系。句意:你真的不适合做这项工作。要是我可以这样说的话,你现在就可以离开了。10Theres a lot I could say about the performance, but_, it was bad.A. believe it or not B. as a matter of factC. to put it in a nutshell D. as a result分析:C. 句意:关于那次演出我可以提很多意见,不过用一句话概括起来就是:很差劲。11You naughty boy!You _get what you deserve.A. should B. shall C. will D. would分析:B. 考查情态动词的用法。句意:你这个捣蛋的孩子,看我怎么收拾你。情态动词shall用于第二或第三人称时,通常表示表示警告,允诺,命令,决心,强制等。12Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?It was in the hall _the students often had a meeting.A. where B. which C. that D. when分析:A. 考查强调句的省略现象。本题采用信息补全法,即把强调句补完整,可得出: It was in the hall _the students often had a meeting that found the professor who made the speech yesterday. 通过对句子结构的分析可知此强调句中含有一个定语从句。13The Spring Festival of China is a holiday _all the Chinese peo
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