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Unit 5 FilmsPeriod 3 Reading班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1.能够掌握本课时的重点单词、词组和句子。2.培养阅读技巧。 【导学提纲】让我们试着翻译下列短语吧。1. 扮演主角_ 2. 一位成功的芭蕾舞蹈者_3. 进入电影工业_ 4. 在她整个演艺生涯中_5.保护环境 6. 把她大部分时间致力于慈善_7.不久以后 8. 向贡献 _9. 逝去 10. 吸引某人的注意 _【展示交流】 1.组内互查预习情况,纠错、朗读。2.小组合作,复述 Audrey Hepburns career.3.小组合作,讨论出课文中重要的语言知识点。4.小组合作,完成反馈矫正。【个案补充】_ 【盘点收获】People remember her not only as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because she devoted much of her time to charity.人们不仅把她作为一个伟大的女演员而且作为一个伟大的人道主义者来怀恋,因为她把许多时间奉献给了慈善事业。1. rememberas 意为:“把作为 来记住,怀恋。 remember to do sth. 记住做某事(还未做)remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做)We remember Lei Feng as a good example.我们把雷锋作为好榜样来怀恋。2. devoteto意为“把 奉献于, to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。He devoted most of his life to his students.他把毕生精力花在研究上。【反馈矫正】根据提示完成句子。1. Keep quiet. Dont speak a .2. We are all busy with our work t the year.3. Yao Ming is a w basketball player. 4. The headmaster (授予) Jim with a best student award.5. We Chinese people live together (和平地).6. Yuan Longping is called Father of hybird rice, and his achievement go _ (超过) China.7. She _ (honour) with a number of awards because of her efforts in this area.【迁移创新】阅读理解。A film called “The Year of the Yao” has been produced. The one-and-half-hour documentary follows Yao Mings first year in the United States. Although Yao faces cultural and language problems in his first year in America, he deals well with the stress of being an NBA rookie(新手). He finds friendship and support from others and always has confidence in himself. He is now in his third NBA season, but this season is his first playing with new Rockets forward(前锋) Tracy MxGrady whos a top player in NBA. The Rockets lost five games straight at the end of their first month and Yao has needed time to work well with MxGrady. “I havent played as everyone expects(期待) and it has been lower than mine, too.” Yao says. However, he also says that he has been trying to improve, and things are surely getting better. Things may not be easy right now, but Yao Ming is still the favorite of his fans. In the recent NBA All-Star ballot(投票), he got a record of more than 2.5 million votes from fans all over the world, which is more than Michael Jordan!( )1. “The Year of the Yao” is _. A. the name of a year B. a documentary C. a book D. a basketballer star( )2. At the end of their first month, Yao Ming worked _ with McGrady. A. very well B. not well C. as well as before D. the same as before( )3. The underlined sentence “I havent played as everyone expects and it has been lower than mine, too,” means _. A. In the team everyone played better than Yao Ming B. In the team none played better than Yao Ming C. Yao Ming was pleased with his playing. D. Yao Ming wasnt pleased with his playing.( )4. From the last paragraph we know that Yao Ming is one of the most popular _.A. film stars B. basketball players C. basketball fans D. football players
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