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Unit 7基础知识Objectives: To master the words, phrases and sentences of the units.Procedures:Activity One : Check the words , phrases and sentences .I. Words: 1. west n. _ (adj.) 2. act v. _ (n.)女演员3. lose v. _ (n.) 4. beautiful adj. _ (n.)5. appear v. _ (n.) 6. peaceful adj. _ (adv.)7. attract v. _ (adj.) 8. dance v. _ (n.)舞者II. phrases: 1. 一位伟人的失去 2. 梦想做某事 3. 吸引某人的注意力 4. 平静地失去 5. 最后一次亮相 6. 避免交通高峰 7. 把某人误认为某人 8. 适合于 9. 建立 10 . 被视为 III. Sentences:1. 米莉是如此好的讲故事家以至于她可以写激动人心的剧本。Millie is that she can write exciting scripts.2. Collete 坚持认为赫本是这部戏剧中演主角的最完美的人选。Collete that Hepburn in the play.3. 她的成就超出了电影行业。Her the film industry.4. 她花费她生命的最后几年和世界儿童组织紧密地工作在一起。She spent the last few years of her life UNICEF. 5. 成龙被很多人视为一个超级明星。Jachie Chan by many people 。Activity Three: Do a test.形合练习:A. 谓语与非谓语1. She (梦想) becoming a ballet dancer before becoming an actress. 2. Did the event (标志) the beginning of her successful career?3. Who (被选来) to play the lead role of a princess in the Hollywood film?4. He later discovered that the angel had (平静地死去) in her sleep.5. I was amazed that the boy (把我误认为) his father.6.The special offer on the Hung fu DVDs (已经被取消)B格性数级 1. Eddie was so creative that he thought he could be a superstar. = Eddie creative dog he thought he could be a superstar. 2. The all-time great actress died and the world felt sad about the (失去) of a great humanitarian. 3. Her (美) and charm were so attractive that they caught the writers attention. 4. He insisted that she was the perfect girl for the lead role she had never played any major roles before. 5. Where did she make her (最后的) (露面)? 6. Did she win many awards because of her (努力) and (成就) in this area? 9A Unit 8基础知识Objectives: To master the words, phrases and sentences of the units.Procedures:Activity One : Check the words , phrases and sentences .I. Words: 1.miss v. _ (adj.) 缺少的;丢失的 2murder v. _ (n.)3. true adj. _ (n.) 4experience n. _ (adj.)5. heavy adj. _ (adv.) 6crime n. _ (adj.)7. safe adj. _ (n.) 8thief n. _ (n.) 偷窃II. phrases:1. 说实话 2. 被小刀弄受伤 3. 流血致死 4. 强行闯入 5. 导致 _ 6. 与.有关 7. 结果是 8. 匆忙做某事 _9. 做一些违法的事情 _ 10. 和.和睦相处 III. Sentences:1.昨晚大约七点在东城有人最后一次看见他离开办公室。 He _his office in East Town at about 7 pm. last night.2. 那位受害者被刀砍伤了,结果失血过多而死亡。 The victim _ and _3. 受害人的父母愿意出五万元人民币对提供线索抓获凶手的人给予奖励。 The victims parents _ ¥50, 000 for any information that_4. 我认为我们需要防范周围任何可能的危险。I think we need to _around us.5. 你能不能想出一些安全措施来保护你自己免于犯罪? Can you think of any crime?巧辨异同Activity Three: Do a test.形合练习:A. 谓语与非谓语1. The suspects all said they were not guilty, but one of them didnt (说实话).2. The police have (证实) that the victim was a 25-year-old engineer who was last seen leaving his office at 7 p.m. 3. Have they asked anyone who saw anything unusual (contact) them?4. The victim (wound) with a knife and bled to death as a result.5. A reward of $ 5000 has been offered for any information that (导致) the arrest of the murderer.6. He was told that some valuable jewelry had . (steal)B格性数级 1. Were the police trying to find out the victim was killed somewhere else?2. The well-paid single engineer was charged with (强行闯入) several computer systems. 3. Can you think of any (安全) tips to protect yourselves against crime? 4. He was surprised to know that he was charged with (偷盗).
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