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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Period 4(Section B 1a-2e)【学习目标】1本课的生词和短语。2 学会熟练谈论某物的产地,材质,以及制造者等。【学习重难点】1熟记重点单词短语。2熟练谈论某物的产地,材质,以及制造者等【自主学习】(A)英汉互译。1.a kite festival _ 2.many different kinds of kites_ 3.traditional art _ 4.处于困境中_ 5.由覆盖_6. historical stories _7. 用手_ 8.放出 _9.上升到中 _ 10.把贴在上_教师活动学生活动Greetings.Three-minute English Speech.A student comes to the front to give the speech. New lesson.1. Read the learning aims.2. Learn the key words of this period by showingsome pictures.Teacher read first then students follow.3. 1b to 2e.Ask students to read the tapescripts and finish the questions.Greet the teacher.A student comes to the front to give the speech.Then ask some questions New lesson.1.Read the learning aims.2.Learn the key words by heart. 3.Read the tapescripts.Read carefully and finish the questions. Write down the answers.【合作探究】(C)【展示交流】(D)探究点一:2c. Read the passage again and answer the questions.1. What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show?2. What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now?3. What kinds of ictures are usually found on paper cuttings?4. How do people use paper cuttings during the Spring Festival?5. What are the steps ofr making clay art pieces?6.Which are form do you think is the most interesting?Why?探究点二:2d Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box . such as turn intosend out cover with rise into put on1.People used to _sky lanterns when they were in trouble. But today,people light the lanterns and watch them_the sky with their wishes.2.The art of paper cutting _a simple thing like a piece of paper_a beautiful piece of art. People often_these art pieces_the doors, windows and walls of their homes to celebrate the Spring Festival.3.To make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand into things _ cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales and stories. They are then_paint.4.Discussion and presentations. Teachergive comments.If it is necessary ,teacher explain the language point in details.Conclusion.In this class we reviewed the new words of this lesson. And we also did some oral practice. Whats more we have finished some tasks.1. Work in groups and then discuss in groups. Then show the answers to the whole class.【运用提升】(U)用括号内所给单词的正确形式完成句子。1. Cheese_(make) from milk.2. Parents and students_(invite) to the school concert last night.3. The underground parking lot_(close) at midnight every day.4. There is a lot of research on how languages_(learn).5. Some classic films_(show)at that cinema last week.
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