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初三英语口语测试成绩表 (四十七)姓名性别班级成绩一Read the passage(1分)001-47-10-001得分备 注At home, Im allowed to watch TV every day. But Im not allowed to play computer games. I think I should be allowed to play once a week. At school, students are not allowed to choose their own clothes. I dont agree. I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.二Interview questions(2分)1. What kind of writers do you like?002-47-11-001 2. What are you doing for your next vacation?002-47-11-002得分三Topic compositions.(2分)003-47-10-001得分 任选下面两题中的一题,作口头作文。 1. 根据表格,谈谈Carmen和Xu Fei对音乐的爱好。 musiciansmusicCarmenplay different kinds of musicreally loud and energeticXu Feiwrite their own songsquiet and gentle 2. What were you doing at these times yesterday? The timetable of Jim (April 3rd)7:00-7:30morning exercises9:00-11:00English class12:00-1:00in McDonald2:30-3:30football备注
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