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unit 10 where did you go on vacation?第5课时SectionB 2a2e 【学习目标】1、学习掌握有关户外活动的动词以及评价活动和食物的形容词。2、熟练地谈论表示过去发生的事件学习运用一般过去时写日记.3、学习阅读技能、技巧。【学习指导】1、谈论假期所发生的事件,用英语进行交际。(运用What, Where, How, Did等开头提问)2、讨论2a的问题,引入新课。3、阅读策略:A、 第一遍快速阅读全文, 了解大意。 B、 善于抓住关键词和主旨句。学习过程一、预习指导与检测(1)预习指导A、预习P121-122的单词,根据音标的音节来识读单词,做到会读知意。B、学习如何运用英语写日记,了解英语日记的格式。 (2)预习检测A: 检查所预习的单词是否会读。B: 英汉互译:arrive in_ decide to do sth. _ enjoy doing _feel like _去海滩_ something special_walk up to the top _ 开始下小雨 _太多人_ because of _enough money _二、课堂互动探究1、利用值日报告,引出新单词2、让值日学生模仿老师进行介绍3、把所学过的表示活动的短语罗列到黑板上。4、让学生小组活动,谈论暑假或上周末的活动。5、描述活动时注意正确运用动词和形容词。6、看书P5,了解日记的格式。7、 快速阅读两篇日记,回答两个问题: (1). Did Jane have a good time on Monday? (2 ). What about on Tuesday?8、仔细阅读两篇日记,回答以下问题: (1 ). Whaere did Jane go on Monday?(2).Whats the weather in Malaysia on Monday? What about on Tuesday? (3 ). What did they eat for lunch? (4 ). How was the food there? (5). Why were they wet and cold on Tuesday?9、再读日记, 完成2c, 2d。10. 小组活动,完成2e.三、当堂检测用所给词的正确形式填空:1. David _ (take)some photos in the park.2. _ you_(have) a good time on your last trip.3. He _ (ride) a hose to go to the market last trip.4. -How _(be) your trip last week. -It was excellent.5. -What did you do last week? -I _ (go) fishing every day.单项选择( )1. -Where _ he go on vacation? -He went to the mountains. A. is B. does C. has D. did ( )2. We had great fun _ in the beach.A. to play B. playing C. play D. played ( )3. What _ you do on your last school trip?A. do B. did C. were D. can ( )4. After lunch they _ to the Gift Shop where they _ lots of gifts.A. go; buy B. go; bought C. went; buy D. went; bought四、总结与反思 1、我的收获:words and expressions:sentences: 2、学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。3、我的易错点: 。我需要提高的是:
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