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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Period 5一 自主学习I 基础单词带路,领路_II 核心词语 声音_ 勇敢的,无畏的_ 爱上,喜欢上_二 合作探究重要句型1 _ _,lazy children!起来,懒孩子!2 What a long time you slept _ _ _!你在森林里睡了多长时间啊!3 You should_ _ to talk to her _she talks to you.你应该继续试着与她交谈,知道她与你谈为止。4 Why dont you_ him_to do _when youre studying.你学习时为什么不告诉他做些安静的事情?三 达试标测单选 1 The boy didnt eat more food on weekday.He wanted to _more to buy his mother a sift on Mothers Day. A spend B save C made D steal2 Everyone should learn to _after work .Its good for our health.A ride B relax C run D fight 3 Could you please _the CD player? Its doing my homework.A turn over B turn on C turn down D turn up4 She is practicing a lot every day _she can be chosen to take part in the match.A so that B until C although D in order to 四 课后作业1 She wont go away _you promise to help her。(直到)2 The children_ _.(睡醒,醒来)3 He has to _for the final-term because he wants to get a good grade.(准备)4 The children get _(丢失)
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