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Use of Rhetoric in English Advertisement【Abstract】Advertisement is a popular cultural phenomenon in peoples daily life. It not only provides the information about products and stimulates the purchasing power, but also enriches peoples ideological life.Rhetoric is one kind of important expressive device in language. It refers to interpreting abstract and complex ideas or processes through simple and concrete methods. Since rhetoric is full of imagination, it can promote the transmission and communication of emotions and ideas.Rhetoric exists in writings with various styles, especially, in advertisements. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English advertisement, acting as a key element for the success of an advertisement. The thesis, based on the respective studies of the definition of advertisement and rhetoric, makes a careful analysis of the use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, including simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme, targeting at promoting the further development of advertisement.【Key Words】English advertisements; rhetoric; function【摘要】广告是人们日常生活中最常见的一种文化现象,不仅提供产品信息,刺激购买力,而且丰富人们的精神生活。修辞是一种重要的语言表达手段,是用简单具体且充满想象的方法将抽象复杂的思想或进程阐释出来,能够促进情感的传递和思想的表达。修辞存在于各种文体之中,尤其在英语广告中起着极为重要的作用, 是影响英语广告成败的关键。 论文从分析广告及修辞的定义和功能出发,认真研究了主要修辞手段在英语广告中的作用,包括明喻、暗喻、双关、拟人、平行和押韵等修辞手段,旨在推进广告的进一步发展和提高。【关键词】英语广告; 修辞; 功能 Introduction Nowadays, concerning with advertisement, different people have different opinions. For most of the people, the distinct feature of advertisement is that advertisement is a combination of content and style. That is to say, a good advertisement not only has attraction in content, but also has charm in style. Obviously, the determinative factor of a good or a bad advertisement is whether the use of rhetoric is appropriate or not. It can be found that the use of rhetoric plays a very important role in advertisement. Without the use of rhetoric, absolutely, there is no good advertisement. Therefore, it is necessary to make an analysis and study on this subject.The whole thesis is concerned about the use of rhetoric in English advertisement, and the thesis is divided into three parts. The first part talks about the definition and function of advertisement. The second part illustrates the definition and function of rhetoric. The third part makes a carefully study on the use of main rhetorical devices in English advertisement, such as, simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parallelism and rhyme.I. AdvertisementAs for advertisement and products, some people believe the successful selling of products cannot be separated from advertisement. Advertisement keeps people informative about the price and function of products; whats more, advertisement can help to improve products brand awareness and its reputation.A. The Definition of Advertisement“Advertisement is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” Advertisement has taken many different kinds of forms from ancient times. At the beginning, advertisement evolved to take a variety of forms and to permeate nearly every aspect of the society. Advertisement devices include many kinds, such as, banners at sporting events, billboards, and Internet Web sites, logos on clothing, magazines, newspapers, radio spots, and television commercials. The people are overwhelmed by a lot of advertisements. It is said that the individuals can expect to be exposed to more than 1,200 different advertisement messages each day. Therefore, advertisements are popular in peoples daily life.B. The Function of AdvertisementEnglish advertisements can encourage competition, guide consumption, promote sales, and transmit information. For instance, advertisement tells a consumer the information about a specific product, brand or service and helps him or her to understand and evaluate the information. Moreover, by making people aware of products, services and ideas, advertisement promotes sales and profits. Advertisement is one of the major forces that can help improve the standard of living. The people, no matter in urban or rural areas, are overwhelmed by a lot of advertisements. Advertisement makes peoples environments more colorful and vigorous. Meanwhile, it can also enrich peoples cultural life and transmit information which contributes to social and cultural prosperity.II. RhetoricRhetoric can be found in any forms of writingpoetry, prose, drama, fictional and non-fictional writing, advertisement. The understanding about the definition and function of rhetoric is helpful for the use of rhetorical devices.A. The Definition of Rhetoric Aristotle was one of the most famous thinkers and orators in Greek. In his famous b
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