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1 PEP 人教版英语五年级下册期中质量检测试题卷 听力部分 选择你听到的短语或句子 10 分 1 A jump through a ring B climb up a ladder 2 A ride a bike B ride a horse 3 A read stories B read books 4 A borrow books B make things 5 A do reading B do writing 6 A Can you play the piano B Can you play the violin 7 A There are some geese in the pond B There are some goslings in the pond 8 A What do you do in the music club B What do you do in the art club 9 A We have three English classes a week B We have two PE classes a week 10 A There is a baby horse over there B There is a little goat over there 请为你听到的句子选择合适的答语 5 分 1 A Twice a week B We have four 2 A We can call it a kid B We call it a lamb 3 A We often sing and dance B We often paint and draw 4 A Yes they are B Yes there are 5 A No they can B Certainly 请听录音 补全对话 10 分 A Hi to our B Thank you A Look This is our and B Wow It s very nice How many music classes do you a A Two B Mm What do you do in the club A We often and B 笔试部分 请为下列单词加复数 5 分 1 horse 2 box 3 boy 4 calf 5 potato 6 goose 7 man 8 sheep 9 tiger 10 baby 将正确的答案序号写在提前的括号内 15 分 1 I m good at A swim B Swimming C swimming 2 We also have performances New Year s Day A on B in C at 3 We paint and draw in A music room B science club C dance room 4 Do you often borrow books the library A in B from C at 5 How do you do A How do you do B Thank you C I m fine thanks 6 The ducks and ducklings swim A doing B are C can 7 What are over there A that B these C those 8 The mother pig has three A piglets B puppies C kittens 9 lovely they are A what B What a C How 10 a fine horse A How B What C Where 11 I want a monkey A make B to make C makes 2 12 What s this English A for B in C on 13 Li Yan will show you our school A in B about C around 14 A kangaroo and a are a family A joey B foal C calf 15 How many do you have a week A music classes B music class C musics classes 请根据所给内容选择合适的短语 10 分 1 When do you We have them on Tuesday Thursday and Friday 2 Hi Li Yan I have to tell you 3 June 1st 六月一日 is 4 is the first day of the year 5 We often in our meeting hall 6 They are lion cubs but they can do things 7 This is our We often do experiments here 8 We often draw pictures in 9 We often in the library 10 We often play the violin in 组句子 10分 1 you often to come library the do 2 in what English are these 3 the animals young look at 4 the have in we classes classroom 5 what we it can call 请根据短文内容判断正 误 X This is our new school It has a language lab a classroom building 教学楼 a big playground 操场 a music club an art club a gym 体育馆 a science lab and a library Look a horse and some foals are having maths classes in the classroom building A goat and some kids are playing football on the playground Some calves are doing listening in the language lab A lion is reading stories in the library Some geese are drawing in the art club Some joeys are dancing in the gym What can the monkeys do Oh they can do experiments in the science lab How about the cats They can play the piano in the music club 1 We have a new school 2 We have a dance club in our school 3 We have a big playground in our school 4 A horse and some foals are having maths classes in the classroom building 5 A goat and some kids are playing football in the gym 6 Some calves are doing listening in the language lab 7 A lion is borrowing books from the library 8 Some ducks are drawing in the art club 9 The monkeys can do experiments in the science lab 10 The cats can play the piano in the dance lab A something interesting B Children s Day C New Year s Day D the music club E a lot of F the art club G science lab H have meetings I English classes J read stories
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