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最新资料推荐班别:_ 姓名:_人称代词的主格和宾格人称代词顺口溜:人称代词有两类,一类主格一类宾;主格代词本领大,一切动作由它发;宾格代词不动脑,介动之后跟着跑。人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit随堂练习: 用适当的人称代词填空1._am Maggie. 2._is Lily. 3._is Jack.4._are boys. 5._are smart. 6._are students.7._is a desk. 8.Lily and Lucy _ girls.9.This_ a desk. 10.We_clever. 11.They_late.12.This is_(I)pen. 13.Look at_(I). 14.Whats_(you)name? 15.The teacher asked _(you) to read the book.16.Who is_(he)? 17.I like_(he). 18.This is_(he) mother.19.The beautiful girl is_(she) sister. 20._(they) are my classmates21.Look at_(they)._(they) are so strong.22.The football is_(they) 23.The pretty woman is_(we) teacher.24._(we)are good friends. 25.Let_(we)sing a song together.26._(I) have two big eyes. 27.What color are_(you) eyes?28._(I) eyes are blue. 29._(they) teacher is Tom.30.Who is_(they) teacher? 31._(he) name is Tom.课后练习: 用适当的人称代词填空1、_ is my aunt. We often visit _.2、China is a developing country. _ lies in the east of Asia.3、What day is _ today? - _ is Thursday.4、How far is your school? - _ is three kilometers away.5、I have a blue bike. The red one doesnt belong to _.6、These new houses are so nice. _ are very expensive.7、The fishermen caught(抓) a lot of fish, didnt _?8、This photo of your mother is very much like her. I like _.9、Mike is my classmate. _is good at physics.10、Whats the weather like today? _is cloudy.人称代词、物主代词、反身代词表人称代词物主代词反身代词主格宾格形容词性名词性Imemyminemyselfyouyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitselfweusouroursourselvesyouyouyouryoursyuorselvestheythemtheirtheirsthemselves物主代词顺口溜:物主代词不示弱,带着白勺来捣乱;形容词性物主代,抓住名词不放松;最后只剩名词性,海阔天空任它走。概念导入: 物主代词表示“(人)的”,表所属关系。形容词性物主代词是其中的一种,它具有形容词的特性。形容词性物主代词有:my, your, his, her, its, our(我们的), your(你们的),their(他们的)。用法点击: 形容词性物主代词其后必须跟名词。 如: 1)形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面必接名词,表示所有.如: my pen我的钢笔 your bag你的书包 his bike他的自行车 her desk她的书桌 its name它的名字Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗?Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。 如果名词前有形容词性物主代词,就不能同时用冠词(a, an,the)或指示代词(this, that, these, those)修饰此名词。 正This is my pen. 误This is my a pen. 正This is a pen. 误 This is a my pen.形容词性物主代词与形容词一起修饰名词时,要放在形容词之前。 如:his English books 他的英语书their Chinese friends 他们的中国朋友物主代词:分形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词。 形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词,在句中作定语用,其后一定要接名词。例如:This is my coat .Those are your sweater. 名词性的物主代词相当于一个名词,在句中作主语、表语或宾语,能单独使用。 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的关系为: 名词性物主代词 =相应的形容词性物主代词名词 例如:Your bedroom(=yours) is big. Mine (=My bedroom) is big, too. 你的卧室大。我的卧室也大。 物主代词用法歌诀。物主代词两类型,形容词与名词性。形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用。名词性要独立用,主宾表语它都充。随堂练习: 选词填空1.This is a girl._ name is Lily.A.His B.She C.Her D.Its2.This is Wang Fang._ is twelve.A.His B.She C.Her D.Its3.I _ a girl._ name is Wang Hong.A.am;My B.is;Her C.am;Your D.is;His4.Li Lei _ a boy._ is in class 5.A.am;He B.is;She C.are;His D.is;He5.-Is the cat _-friend?-Yes,_.A.your;it isnt B.he;it isC.your;it is D.her;it isnt6.This is a bird. I dont know _name.A.its B.its C.it D.its7.-How old is Spotty?-_ five.A.its B.Its C.it D.its8.whats this? Its _pencil.A.my a B.a my C.my the D.my9.I think _ Mrs Wang.A.hes B. His C.shes D.its10-Whats that? -_ is a cat.A.It B.He C.She D.You11.This new computer is , I must look after computer. A. my, mine B. mine, my C. my, my D. mine, mine12.Its seven oclock in the morning. Lets . A. go to bed B. go to school C. to go to home D. going to school13._? Its ten. A. What colour is it B. What time is it C. How old is he D. Whats five minus five 14.Is this new bag ? -No, its . A. his, his B. his, hers C. yours, my D. hers, your15. Whats the time, please? - .A. Its eight-thirty five B. Its eight-thirty-fiveC. Its eight thirty-five D. Its thirty-five past eight16.Is Tom a friend of yours? -Yes, he is a friend of . A. I B. me C. my D. mine17.There are his trousers. Give . A. it to him
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