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书 山 有 路 1 7B Unit 6 词组 句型及语法复习提纲 一 词组或短语 序号 Chinese English 1 更有礼貌 more polite 2 遍及我们的套房 all over our flat 3 睡在某人的膝上 sleep on one s lap 4 游来游去 swim around 5 把 捧在手里 hold in one s hand 6 所有动物中最聪明的 the cleverest animal of all 7 不 需要做某事 don t need to do need do needn t do 8 黑白相间的 black and white 9 在阳光下 in the sun under the sunshine 10 眼睛睁的大大的 with eyes open wide 11 拽某人的耳朵 pull one s ears 12 坐在沙发上 sit on the sofa 13 不要吓唬这猫 Don t frighten the cat 14 把你的宠物独自留在家 Leave your pet at home alone 15 大部分时间 most of the time 16 一段时间 for some time 17 搜寻 hunt for look around for 18 制造许多噪音 make a lot of noise 制造太多噪音 make too much noise 19 拍 的照片 take photos of 20 观看某人做某事 感 官 动 词用法 watch sb do sth 观看某人正在做某 事 watch sb doing sth 21 一个好主意 a good idea 22 玩戏法 do play some tricks 23 把某物喂给某人吃 feed sb sth feed sth to sb feed sb with on sth 以 为食 feed on 24 确保 务必 弄清楚 make sure 25 看起来一样 look the same 26 担心 某人 某事 worry about sb sth be worried about sb sth 27 与 不同 be different from 28 好好照顾 take good care of look after well 29 按门铃 ring the doorbell 30 害怕 某人 某物 be afraid of sb sth 31 变累 系表结构 get be tired 32 敲 knock on at 33 用 来建造 build out of use to build 用 来制作 make out of use to make 34 下一道命令 give an instruction 35 省去 省略 leave out 36 在 的顶部 on top of 在 的底部 at the bottom of 书 山 有 路 2 38 带某人去散步 带狗去散步 take sb for a walk take a dog for a walk walk a dog 39 将某物出 地方 里拿出去 take sth out of 40 照顾鸟的正确方法 the right way to look after birds 41 在桌旁 at the table 就餐 at table 42 听报告 listen to a talk have a talk 给某人 做报告 give sb a talk 43 玩弄 玩耍 与 玩 play with 44 不要玩火 don t play with fire 45 狗 嘲 叫 bark at 46 对某人来说 做某事是必需的 重要的 It is necessary important for sb to do sth 47 与 不同 be different from 48 对 某事 做某事 感兴趣 be interested in sth doing sth 49 用链子栓着她 keep her on a lead 50 好好照料 take good care of look after well 二 重点句子及句型 1 You should be more polite 你应该有礼貌些 2 I like watching it swim around 我喜欢看着它游来游去 3 My dog is the cleverest animal of all 我的狗是所有动物中最聪明的 4 I ll look after him until the end I always take care of him 我会永远照顾他 5 We don t have to feed her much 我不必喂她吃很多 6 His feathers look so beautiful in the sun 他的羽毛在阳光下看起来如此美丽 7 Don t pull the rabbit s ears 不要拽兔子的耳朵 8 You ought to play with your pet for some time every day 你应该每天陪你的宠物玩一段 时间 9 You oughtn t to feed your dog at your table 你不应该在桌子边喂狗 10 It s necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy 如果你想要他们健康的话 你有必要每天带他们到公园里散一次步 11 It is very important not to give them too much food 不要给它们太多的食物是很重要的 事 12 It is a good idea to clean its hutch every day 每天清扫它的兔笼是个好主意 13 I can t study because she makes too much noise 我不能学习因为他制造太多的噪音 14 Fantail goldfish are easy to look after It s easy to take care of fantail goldfish 扇尾金鱼容易照顾 照看扇尾金鱼是容易的 15 Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot 确保水不太烫也步太冷 16 You should put some stones at the bottom of the fish tank 你应该在鱼缸底部放些石头 17 Fantail goldfish are different from other goldfish Fantail goldfish are not the same as other goldfish 扇尾金鱼与其它金鱼不一样 18 You should keep the fish tank clean 你应该保持鱼缸干净 19 She weighs about 2 kilograms 她重约 2 公斤 20 We never frighten her or pull her tail 我们从不恐惧她或拉她的尾巴 21 You must keep her on a lead 你必需用链子牵着她 22 She doesn t like being on a lead 她不喜欢被人牵着 三 语法 1 祈使句 肯定形式和否定形式 2 表示责任 义务的情态动词 ought to should must have to 详见课堂笔记
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