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Languagepoints 1CelebratetheMid autumnfestival2 intheshapeof3 folkstories3 themosttouching4 magicmedicine5 shootdown6 refusetodosth 7 flyuptothemoon 庆祝中秋节以 的形状民间故事最动人的神奇的药射下 shoot过去式shot 拒绝做某事飞到月亮上 fly过去式flew 8 so that 9 calloutsb sname10 layout11 admirethemoon12 sharesth withsb 13 ontheearth14 asaresult 如此 以至于 呼唤某人的名字摆开 布置赏月和某人分享某物在地球上结果 因此 Unit2Ithinkthatmooncakesaredelicious Grammarfocus 4c 1 WhatfuntheWaterFestivalis 2 Howfantasticthedragonboatteamswere 3 Howprettythedragonboatsare 4 HowdeliciousthefoodisinHongKong Grammar 一 感叹句 用来表达喜 怒 哀 乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句 感叹句一般用what或how引导 句末用感叹号 what引导的感叹句 e g Whatabeautifulgirl Tomis 1 What a an adj 可数名词单数 主谓语 2 What adj 可数名词复数 主语 谓语 e g Whatdeliciousfood itis e g Whatbeautifulgirls theyare 不可数名词 how引导的感叹句 e g Howhappythechildrenwere Howcarefullyheis How adj adv 主语 谓语 1 What a an adj 可数名词单数 主 谓 2 What adj 可数名词复数 主语 谓语 不可数名词 How adj adv 主语 谓语 总结 what修饰名词 how修饰形容词或副词 填入适当的词完成下列感叹句 用How跟What whata whatan 1 difficulthomeworkwehadyesterday 2 cutedogitis What Whata 3 interestingthestoryis 4 badtheweatherinEnglandis How How 5 honestboyTomis 6 tastysmellthecakegaveoff 7 goodtimewehadonthebeachyesterday Whatan What Whata 8 excitingnewsyou vebroughtus 9 coolyournewcaris 10 scarythesetigersare How How What What与How大转换 1 Whataprettygirlsheis thegirlis 2 Howdifficultthequestionsare theyare 3 Howbigthefactoryis bigfactory Howpretty Whatdifficultquestions Whata itis 4 Whatacleverboy theboy 5 Howtallthetreesare talltrees 6 Whatinterestingbookstheyare thebooks 7 Howfunnythegirlis funnygirl Howclever is What theyare Howinteresting are Whata sheis 将下列句子改为感叹句Thegirlisverypretty Howprettythegirlis Whataprettygirlsheis 2 Thefoodissonice Hownicethefoodis Whatnicefooditis Unit2Ithinkthatmooncakesaredelicious Grammarfocus 4c 2 Readthesentencesbelow payingattentiontotheunderlinedparts Ithinkthatthey refuntowatch Marythinksthattheteamswerefantastic Billwonderswhetherthey llhavethesweetricedumplingsagainnextyear Iwonderifit ssimilartothewaterfestivaloftheDaipeopleinYunnanProvince Grammar 二 宾语从句 用作宾语的从句 句子做宾语 叫做宾语从句 掌握宾语从句的引导词 时态及语序是学习宾语从句的关键 仔细观察下面的例句 然后补全结论部分所缺的内容 宾语从句用法小结一 宾语从句由连词引出 我们根据引导宾语从句的连词不同 可把宾语从句分为三类 从句为陈述意义时用that连接 常省略 that没有意思 Ihear that youhavepassedtheexamination 从句为疑问意义时 连接词用whether或if Idon tknowifyoucancometomorrow 从句为特殊疑问句时连接词用特殊疑问词引导 what who which When where how whyPleasetellmehowyoucangethere 二 语序 宾语从句用陈述句语序 主 谓 三 时态 时态根据主句来定 一 当主句是一般现在时或将来时 从句根据实际情况而定 Ithink that sheisaclevergirl Weallknow that theyreachedShanghaiyesterday 二 当主句是过去时 从句用相应的过去时态 Isaw that theywereswimmingintheriver Shewonderedif whetheritrainedlastnight 宾语从句为客观事实或真理时 从句只能用一般现在时 Theteachertoldme that theearthisbiggerthanthemoon 只用whether 不用if 1 Whether后能跟ornot if不行 I dliketoknowwhetherhewillcomeornot 2 Whether后能加todo if不行 Hedoesn tknowwhethertoworkorplay 3 在介词后只能用whether不能用if Heistryingtofindoutwhetherthemedicineworks4 whether置于句首时 不能换用if Whetherthisistrueornot Ican tsay5 在discuss decide后面做宾语 只能用whether Wearediscusswhetheritwillrainornot Completethesentenceswithif whether 1 UncleWangcameuptosee therewasanythingwrongwiththemachine 2 Theshopkeeperaskedmyfather ornothewantedtochooseabigChristmastree 3 Idon tknow togoorstay 4 thatistrue whatshouldwedo 5 theywilleverbecomefutureOlympicchampionsonlytimewilltell if whether whether whether If Whether think LanternFestival beautifulIthinkthattheLanternFestivalisbeautiful 2 don tknow whether he comehome forthefestivalIdon tknowwhetherhewillcomehomeforthefestival 3 believe WaterFestival most funIbelievethattheWaterFestivalisthemostfun 4 wonder if mooncakes deliciousIwonderifthemooncakesaredelicious 5 how exciting racesHowexcitingtheracesare 6 what interesting cityWhataninterstingcityitis 4bReadthepassagebelowandunderlinetheobjectiveclauses 1 Wouldyoupleaseshowme next Mr Wang A whatshouldwedoB weshoulddowhatC whatweshoulddoD shouldwedowhat 2 It suptoyoutodecide you llgothere byairorbyroad A howB whyC thatD when C A 3 SheaskedmeifIknew A whosepenwasitB whosepenitwasC whosepenitisD whosepenisit 4 Theywonderediftheteacher usEnglishthenextterm A wouldteachB hadtaughtC willteachD taught B A 5 Theboyasked anynoisefromoutside A whetherhadIheardB whetherIhadheardC whetherhaveIheardD whetherIhaveheard 6 Ihaven tdecide I llgooutorstayathome A ifB whenC whyD whether7 Iwanttoknow helovesyou A thatB whatC ifD who B D C 8 Iwondered ourteacherwasgoingtoattendourparty A whetherB whyC whereD that9 I dliketoknow ornot A whetherwillhecomeB whetherhashecomeC whetherhewillcomeD ifhewillcome A C 结论 A 当宾语从句具有陈述意义时 用 引导 它在句子中只起引导作用 在口语中常可省略 当宾语从句具有疑问意义时 可用 或whether引导 它们在句子中的意思是 如果 是否 或者用连接代词 what who which等 或连接副词 when where how why等 引导 that if 是否 B 宾语从句的时态一般受主句时态的影响 当主句是 或一般将来时 宾语从句可以根据具体情况用适当的时态 当主句是一般过去时 从句要用相应的 但当从句表示的是名言 客观真理或自然现象等时 一般 不受 受 主句时态的限制 均用一般现在时 C 宾语从句要用 陈述 疑问 语序 一般现在时 过去时态 不受 陈述 Reviewwhatyouhavelearnedtoday Finish四清导航
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